How to Build a Mad Libs Game Using Python

Try to reproduce the simple rules and structure of Mad Libs for a Python game that is easy to build and develop.

Remember the time you were doing crosswords and playing sudoku or tic-tac-toe with your friends instead of playing online? One of these popular party games is the Mad Libs books. From popular references on TV shows like Friends and The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, everyone loves and enjoys Mad Libs.

But how do you play Mad Libs?

What is MadLibs?

Mad Libs is a game developed by Leonard Stern and Roger Price. It is a very popular template word game in which one player acts as the reader. You ask the other players who don’t know the story to fill in the blanks by choosing adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc. The result is a funny, silly story that players enjoy reading and laughing at.

More than 180 mad libs with different short stories are available worldwide. Mad Libs is also being adapted and made into storylines for many cartoons and shows. These include The Big Bang Theory, The Incredibles, The Office, The Powerpuff Girls, Toy Story and Angry Birds.

Mad Libs is also available as a card game and as a mobile application. You can buy Mad Libs books at Mad Libs – The World’s Greatest Word Game. The site has a section called Printouts which you will use to play and create a Python program. You can search for additional templates in any search engine.

Text-based Python games are easy and fun. Besides Mad Libs, games to improve your Python skills include an adventure game and an interactive quiz game.

How to make holiday fun mad libs game in python

Follow these steps to create Vacation Fun Mad Libs game:

  1. Check out the holiday fun mad libs game template and declare a variable that represents what you need to fill in the empty space. Since there are several nouns and adjectives, you can declare them in order, e.g. B. Noun1, Noun2, Noun3 etc. Use the Entry() Feature to take funny prompts from you.
    adjective = input("Enter a adjective: ")
    adjective2 = input("Enter a adjective: ")
    noun = input("Enter a noun: ")
    noun2 = input("Enter a noun: ")
    plural_noun = input("Enter a plural noun: ")
    game = input("Enter a name of a game: ")
    plural_noun2 = input("Enter a plural noun: ")
    ing_verb = input("Enter a verb ending in -ing: ")
    ing_verb2 = input("Enter a verb ending in -ing: ")
    plural_noun3 = input("Enter a plural noun: ")
    ing_verb3 = input("Enter a verb ending in -ing: ")
    noun3 = input("Enter a noun: ")
    plant = input("Enter a name of a plant: ")
    body_part = input("Enter the name of a body part: ")
    place = input("Enter a name of a place: ")
    ing_verb4 = input("Enter a verb ending in -ing: ")
    adjective3 = input("Enter a adjective: ")
    number = input("Enter a number: ")
    plural_noun4 = input("Enter a plural noun: ")
  2. Create a variable called story which stores the history and replaces each space with the appropriate variable. The concatenation operator (+) joins two strings. Use parentheses to break the story across multiple lines.
    story = ("A vacation is when you take a trip to some " + adjective + " place with your " +
    adjective2 + " family. Usually you go to some place that is near a/an " + noun + " or up on a/an "+
    noun2 + ". A good vacation place is one where you can ride " + plural_noun + " or play " + game
    + " or go hunting for " + plural_noun2 + ". I like to spend my time "+ ing_verb + " or " + ing_verb2
    +". When parents go on a vacation, they spend their time eating three "+ plural_noun3 +
    " a day, and fathers play golf, and mothers sit around " + ing_verb3
    + ". Last summer, my little brother fell in a/an " + noun3 + " and got poison " + plant
    + " all over his " + body_part + ". My family is going to go to the " + place
    + ", and I will practice " + ing_verb4 +
    ". Parents need vacations more than kids because parents are always very " +
    adjective3 + " and because they have to work " + number
    + " hours every day all year making enough " + plural_noun4 + " to pay for the vacation.")
  3. View the story.

Edition of Mad Libs Vacation Fun Game

The Mad Libs Vacation Fun Game produces the following output:

Improve Mad Libs game

Python is a simple but powerful language. There are many amazing libraries that you can use to boost your Mad Libs game. For example, you can use Tkinter to develop a GUI. You can also use the pyttsx3 Module to convert text to speech in Python. This makes your story come alive. You can choose between different voices and adjust the speaking speed for even more fun.

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