Lip Service Won’t Change Racing’s Plight
If horseracing’s dwindling fanbase constituted a political party, we’d probably be in Parliament by now, indulging in meaningless conversations with the best of them.
Maybe we would try to form coalitions to survive. However, we will not make much progress. We become insignificant and gradually disappear from the scene.
We, the die-hards of noble sports, are astute at spotting problems and heralding an urgent need for change and innovation.
Also excellent at cheerleading from the rooftops of luxury conference centers on the need to drive rapid and focused change.
And then nothing happens.
Lip service comes into play. We nod in agreement, discuss the future of racing with other concerned fanatics, write letters to the media and wholeheartedly call for drastic action.
More meetings are called, followed by, well, not much. We’re transfixed by the next great horse race and the fanfare surrounding it, and comforted by reassuring reports of racing’s traditional resilience. There’s always a lifeline, right? We’ll be fine, don’t worry!
But not everything is good. Here’s a quote worth reading multiple times. Please do this.
It comes from the economic philosopher Peter Drucker who said: “The greatest danger in turbulent times is not the turbulence; it is trading with yesterday’s logic.”
Take a moment to think about it.
Overall, now more than ever, innovation in horse racing is essential not only to ensure the safety and integrity of the sport, but also to attract new fans and customers, enhance the viewing experience, and drive advancements and improvements.
As in any industry, innovation is necessary for growth and continued relevance in an ever-changing world.
When Global Team Horseracing (GTH) unveiled its Live Series concept in South Africa and the world last year, a good portion of those who have advocated for change and innovation resisted the idea of team-based racing at short intervals, between whipless competitions colorful teams and a move away from marketing models with prize draws as the central theme.
With the completion of its first series, triumphantly recognized for its efforts with a major sports award, GTH proved that South African racing is indeed receptive to new ideas.
However, there remains some resistance among racing purists, who believe their daily dose of racing and sit-boating at local races is all but guaranteed because the interests of multi-billionaires will keep the ship afloat forever. Why change anything?
The answer is simple.
If racing is to remain relevant and competitive in a modern, rapidly changing world, no amount of money spent on traditional thinking will reverse the sport’s declining following.
All of us who love thoroughbred racing can no longer afford to pay lip service to the concept of radical change. We must embrace it with action!
- Press release from Global Team Horseracing on Monday, March 6, 2023