PDA Reps talk communication skills at latest networking event

Below is feedback on the event.

Behrad Soleimani, PDA student representative, said: “I attended my first networking session as a PDA student representative. First let me say what a wonderful experience it was! As a first-year pharmacy student, I had the opportunity to meet my future colleagues from all areas. I was amazed by the support the team offered to someone like me who is brand new to this role. We discussed different ways to get more people on the PDA and ways to communicate effectively. We also talked about why it is important that all of our colleagues join us on this journey. In closing, I strongly encourage you to join the PDA no matter where you are in your journey because I can assure you that you will be supported and there are many opportunities to learn.”

Neera Goel, representative of the PDA West of England and Wales Regional Committee said: “Our sales rep networking event took place online and after work, making it inclusive for everyone. It was an informal event that allowed representatives of different stages of their careers to exchange and discuss ideas for mutual support. It was a safe place to talk and useful resources were shared online during the event and via email afterwards.”

Dominic Takhar, PDA Workplace Rep said: “The event provided a great platform to meet new people, exchange ideas and get support on common challenges and create a safe environment for open discussions. The union has great networks for us to join. These are extremely valuable as they allow us to be heard and to be heard. Working with others on these issues has been extremely valuable, especially as a new union representative. I look forward to future meetings with representatives to continue learning from their experiences. I would highly recommend it to others in our area. Let’s strengthen our professional community by participating in such valuable gatherings and supporting each other.”

PDA representatives are vital to the work of the union. PDA members interested in getting involved and making a difference in the workplace, employers and pharmacy sectors are invited to contact the PDA today by emailing [email protected] send to become a PDA representative.

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