Causes, symptoms, how to manage

A person may have an oral or latex allergy to avocado. With an oral allergy, a person may experience symptoms after eating avocado. Additionally, if a person has an allergy to latex foods, they are more likely to develop an avocado allergy.

avocado is a medium-sized berry, also known as an alligator pear or butterfruit. It is a rich source of calories, vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C, E and K, as well as magnesium, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids.

Avocados are growing in popularity as more and more people add them to recipes to improve their texture and flavor. Some personal care product manufacturers also use them as cosmetic ingredients due to their powerful moisturizing ability.

However, some people may develop an allergy to avocados after eating them. People can also have an avocado allergy if they have a reaction to the protein found in latex food products.

Symptoms of an avocado allergy can include sneezing, nausea, vomiting, or difficulty breathing. There is no cure for an avocado allergy. However, treatment aims to treat allergy symptoms.

This article provides an overview of avocado allergy. It also covers the cause, symptoms, and treatment of an avocado allergy.

A person can develop an oral allergy after eating avocado. Oral allergy occurs when the proteins in the avocado confuse the immune system and trigger an allergic reaction.

Most symptoms of oral avocado allergy occur in the lips, mouth, and tongue.

If a person is allergic to latex, they are also more likely to experience an allergic reaction to avocado. This may be due to cross-reactivity.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) states that approximately 30-50% of people with a latex allergy have latex-fruit syndrome.

The protein in avocados is similar to that in chestnut, banana, kiwi, papaya, tomato, fig, peach, bell pepper and gum.

As a result, a person can develop an avocado allergy if they previously had allergies to foods or products containing latex, and vice versa.

In a latex allergy, similar to a pollen food allergy, antibodies that bind to a specific antigen — any substance, such as a bacterium, fungus, virus, or toxin, that can elicit an immune response — can successfully mount the same immune response with similar antigens replicate.

The AAFA also notes that people in the following category are at high risk of having an avocado allergy:

  • People who have had many surgeries or medical procedures, such as B. Children with spina bifida or people who frequently use latex catheters
  • healthcare professionals and people who frequently wear latex gloves
  • People with other allergies such as food allergies and allergic rhinitis

Although an avocado allergy is rare, symptoms can range from mild to severe. Symptoms can also affect people differently. This contains:

  • itchy lips, mouth, or throat
  • hives
  • rash
  • Vomit
  • swelling
  • red and watery eyes
  • runny nose
  • upset stomach
  • Anaphylaxis – severe allergic reaction

Anaphylaxis is a rare symptom of avocado allergy. Without treatment, anaphylaxis can be life-threatening.

If a person exhibits symptoms of anaphylaxis, such as shock, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, or swelling in the throat, call 911 or the local emergency number immediately.

If a person experiences allergy symptoms after eating or coming into contact with avocado, they may have an avocado allergy. In this case, contact a doctor immediately. The doctor can help determine the underlying cause of the symptoms and the most effective treatment.

A doctor may also prescribe some over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines if symptoms are mild. However, if the symptoms are severe and life-threatening, the doctor may recommend an epinephrine injection to prevent complications.

Additionally, if a person has a skin reaction after handling avocados, it may be due to pesticides and other chemicals on the avocado’s surface. Washing avocados thoroughly before eating them can reduce the worsening of symptoms. Cortisone cream can also help relieve skin reactions.

There is no cure for an avocado allergy. Health experts recommend that people with this condition not eat avocados.

Avoiding avocados and avocado-based products such as guacamole can help prevent mild and severe allergy symptoms in the long term. A person’s symptoms will improve significantly after avoiding the source of the allergen.

A person should also ensure the following:

  • Read food labels carefully to make sure they don’t contain avocado
  • Inform the staff of your allergy if you eat out
  • Check personal care product labels for avocado
  • Get a written anaphylaxis action plan from a doctor
  • Learn how to use an epinephrine auto-injector

A person with an avocado allergy may consider other options to substitute as ingredients in recipes or dishes with similar texture, taste, calories, and fiber content.

Examples include:

  • mashed banana
  • breadfruit
  • Tofu spread
  • Butternut Squash
  • greek yogurt
  • egg yolk
  • hummus
  • soaked pistachios
  • cashew nut butter
  • Chayote squash

If a person experiences mild to severe symptoms after ingesting avocado, they may have an avocado allergy. Avocado allergy can be due to pollen food allergy syndrome or latex allergy.

Although an avocado allergy is rare, a person who has one should contact a doctor. The doctor can prescribe OTC medications and recommend lifestyle changes.

Avoiding avocado is the best strategy for treating an avocado allergy.

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