February 16, 2023 The latest on the Ohio toxic train disaster

12:57 p.m. ET, Feb. 16, 2023

Ohio residents returning home are concerned about chemical threats posed by the train derailment

By CNN’s Brenda Goodman and Kyla Russell

Railcars were seen in East Palestine, Ohio last week.

(Gen J. Puskar/AP)

Five of the tankers on the train that derailed in eastern Palestine, Ohio last week were transporting liquid vinyl chloride, which is extremely flammable. A controlled burn was done to mitigate the hazard, and it worked.

Authorities reassured residents that any immediate danger was past when they lifted the evacuation order for residents of eastern Palestinians. Real-time air readings, using handheld instruments to comprehensively search for classes of pollutants such as volatile organic compounds, showed air quality near the site was within normal limits.

Until now, officials have looked for major imminent threats: explosions or concentrations of chemicals that could make someone acutely ill. But cleaning up and monitoring the site could take years, an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency official said.

Though the blast threat is over, people living in eastern Palestine want to know what chemical threats might still exist.

Fish and frogs have died in local streams. People have reported dead chickens and shared photos of dead dogs and foxes on social media. They say they smell chemical smells in the city.

When asked at a briefing exactly what was spilled, Norfolk Southern officials listed butyl acrylate, vinyl chloride and a small amount of non-hazardous lubricating oil.

About the chemicals: Butyl acrylate is a clear, colorless liquid with a strong, fruity odor used in the manufacture of plastics and paints. It can be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, it is irritating to the eyes, skin, and lungs and can cause shortness of breath. Repeated exposure can cause lung damage.

Vinyl chloride, used to make PVC pipe, can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and headaches. It has also been linked to an increased risk of cancer in the liver, brain, lungs and blood.

Although butyl acrylate mixes easily with water and moves quickly through the environment, it’s not particularly toxic to humans, said Richard Peltier, associate professor of environmental health sciences at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

However, vinyl chloride is very toxic and very persistent in the environment, and it can form some really horrible combustion byproducts, Peltier said.

A spokesman for Norfolk Southern confirmed CNN’s request for more information on how many of these chemicals made their way into the soil and water, but did not respond. The Ohio EPA says it’s also not sure yet.

“We’re definitely signing up for air testing of the house before we get in there,” resident Ben Ratner said.


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