How To Be More Feminine Energy

Embracing and deeply loving what we truly are from the inside rather than trying to be more masculine and less feminine to show that we can have more power is the recipe for the subversion of the very think that concludes female power. Women and men have both masculine and feminine energy.

How to Use Your Masculine & Feminine Energy to Succeed

It is not something that can be embraced or seen.

How to be more feminine energy. A lot of women in the us and western world in general think a feminine woman is inferior to masculine traits (active is always better than passive, assertive is always better than submissive while the truth is it’s about energetic match…there is no good or bad inherent in them). Shame is one of the shadow feelings that is held in the 2nd chakra area of the body. Being around other feminine souls increases our feminine energy.

For the purpose of clarity, let us revisit the definition of feminine energy. But are these stereotypes actually true? Feminine energy is not even connected with gender.

It is the “being” energy, in contrast to the masculine “doing energy”.when you are in this “being” energy, you are in receptive mode and allow your man, experiences, and life itself, to fill you up. Feminine energy expresses itself in a different way to masculine energy, but it is just as important, and especially in these times, it has become more important for us to claim it back. The good news is that we can all play a role to enhance and advance feminine energy.

Feminine energy is not about achieving and achieving; If the woman is in touch with her feminine side, the feminine energy will be present more prominently. It’s quite easy to improve how we look externally, but the more important focus should be on the true embodiment of your own unique feminine energy.

Awakening the healing power of your feminine qualities requires knowing how to reach in instead of reaching out in unhealthy ways to food, people, places, and things. If she is not just in touch with it but is aware of what this energy is and how to use it, this woman truly stands out. Whether that means going for a walk.

We don’t always need to achieve something. Divine masculine energy is all about serving, protecting, being assertive, hustling, and working hard. If you have been stuck at an office desk or have felt physically stagnant for a while, you need to get your body moving.

Both are important and we all have aspects of both. Your masculine side gets expressed when you're working toward a goal, making progress, getting things done, and pushing forward. Men, more so than women, need to work on awakening their feminine energy to tap into their emotions and the joys of intimacy.

Try to enjoy the little things and practice being grateful. By doing his, men would become more masculine and women became more feminine. Feminine energy is receptive therefore empathetic and flexible.

You might be or know women who are more masculine and men who are more feminine. As a matter of fact, when men don’t have women to fall back upon, they discover feminine energy within themselves and become even more independent. Truth though is, our feminine energy is what is going to help us rise and conquer.

This is a great way to restore your feminine energy. Feminine energy is moving energy. If your engines run on masculine energy, you will be attracting feminine men.

And, side by side with the divine masculine, again we will have divine union upon earth. It will enrich your feminine soul. And most of all the feminine energy is healing because it is expressed through the subtle realm.

There is a feminine energy that is present in every woman, together with the masculine. The truth about the famine energy is more like a special kind of tranquility and balance. It is really about what you put out there emotionally, spiritually and physically, and where it falls on the feminine and masculine scale.

The wounds that are carried are often masked by shame. Wearing clothes you save for “that special occasion” will make you feel more feminine. The ocean, hurricanes, and weather patterns are all perfect metaphors for feminine energy as they are constantly in motion, always changing and shifting.

Be more feminine starting from the inside out. But as a woman living in today’s world, i feel like it can be easy to start embodying more masculine energy and lose touch of your feminine energy. Beautifying things with intention is the easiest answer to how to radiate feminine energy.

However, most women would identify with feminine essence and most men would identify with a masculine essence. There are things you are probably doing that block your access to this healing energy. A book even will not be enough.

Feminine energy is soft, fluid, allowing, and nurturing. The divine feminine works at the subconscious and has no need to become aggressive in order to achieve what it wants to, which explains why most women prefer using passive resistance through manipulation to avoid heated. Having feminine or masculine energy doesn't just have to do with what sex you were born with, or even what sex you identify with.

It has the ability to go with the flow. Feminine energy refers to a specific set of traits, considered to be the opposite of traits associated with masculine energy. Therefore, women should embrace masculine energy and men should embrace feminine energy within themselves.

As more of us begin to work with the gentle and loving energy of the divine feminine, she will become an unstoppable force within our world. So make some time during the day to slow down and be present. It is sensual and emotional.

The more feminine you are as woman, the more masculine the man you will be attracting and vice versa. So choose the right feminine women to spend your time with! The concept of feminine energy is often misunderstood as subjugation or being a doormat.

The feminine energy has held a lot of wounds through this century, this generation, the lineage, and personal lives, for not being honored. If you are a man, you are considered to be masculine, and if you are a woman, you are considered to be feminine. The traditional view of masculine and feminine energy is very black and white.

Some of the most feminine women in the world have no money for makeup, pretty clothing, shoes, the latest lv bag, or the latest chanel sunglasses. Actually, every individual regardless of gender embodies both energies. But feminine energy is about being receptive, passive, and living in the moment.

Feminine energy begets feminine energy and masculine energy begets masculine energy. To define feminine energy, we will need much more than a sentence or a whole article. Not every woman likes to wear flowy dresses, skirts, and high heels, and that’s not what feminine is about.

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