How To Beat Flaming Espinas In Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Ascension‘s Title Update 2 has just been released and with it new missions, layered weapons and monsters! This update introduced three new enemies, bringing new challenges to the table and tweaking some already familiar monsters with some unexpected twists.

Related: Monster Hunter Rise: How to Unlock and Equip Layered Armor

The first newly introduced monster will be a subspecies of the classic Espinas, called Flaming Espinas. This black and red variant will behave much more aggressively and use more fire-type attacks than its counterpart, and here’s everything you need to know about it!

Flaming Espinas – strengths and weaknesses

  • Weak spots – head, legs, tail
  • Points of resistance – back, wings
  • Elemental/Disease Weakness – Water, Thunder, Dragon
  • Elemental/Disease Resistance – Fire, Poison
  • Best Weapon Damage – Slam damage


Flaming Espinas will be fully immune to Fire and Poison, something that’s to be expected given his physiology and how much sense giving him an edge over the normal version makes sense. Water is your best option against this, with Thunder and Dragon hot on your heels, and slashing weapons deal the most damage as long as you’re aiming for his legs and tail. Another weak point will be his head, but this one will be harder to hit in combat due to his aggressive behavior.

Best gear to fight Flaming Espinas

  • weaponsDespots Twindart, Mud Shredders, L’Origine
  • armorBoiling bazelgeuse, raging Rajang

It is paramount to prepare for this fight, as his fire attacks are incredibly powerful and can easily hit you with one shot. On the armor side, anything with high fire resistance is beneficial, and the Pride (Seething Bazelgeuse) and Golden Lune (Golden Rathian) sets are some of the best set options for this. While Flaming Espinas doesn’t cause Paralysis or Poisoning, you still need to be able to endure the Stun, so it’s always useful to have Steadfast Decorations.

On the weapons side, and given this monster’s weaknesses, you should invest in either Water, Thunder, or Dragon Slash weapons (with an emphasis on the first element). Weapons like the Mud Shredders (Almudron’s Dual Blades) are the best option, but Despot’s Twindart (Zinogre’s Insect Glaive) and L’Origine (Shagaru Magala’s Greatsword) also work as great alternatives.

Flaming Espinas – Combat breakdown and moves

If you thought the Espinas base was an aggressive monster, think twice. This bad boy won’t leave you alone at any point, he uses a lot of jumping moves that make it very difficult to dodge and has some of the most powerful flaming attacks in the entire game. He’ll still use some maneuvers like tackle running and his classic fireballs, but by far the most difficult attack to watch is a massive AoE blast of fire that will most likely snuff you out without the slightest chance of enduring it.

It is very important that you keep your mobility under control and don’t come to this fight without the right armor or you will have a very bad time. Stick to his sides and never let him attack you because the first one will be followed by two more attacks and you won’t enjoy it. Try to hit it from the air or the sides as many times as possible, and with the right care and a pinch of luck, you’ll survive your first encounter with this monster.

Flaming Espinas – drops and materials

Flaming Espinas drops the following items after breaking parts or defeating them in battle:

  • Flaming Espinas Shard
  • Flaming Espinas Cortex
  • Flaming Espinas Brimstone
  • Flaming Espinas Whip
  • Flaming Espina’s Surspike
  • Flaming Espinas Mantle
  • Flaming Espinas Harthorn

Next: Monster Hunter Rise Complete Guide and Walkthrough

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