How to Clean a Bird Bath the Right Way

how to clean a bird bath


If you want your yard to be a welcoming place for birds, there are a few things you should do, including bird-proofing your windows, keeping bird feeders clean, and cleaning bird baths regularly. Clean bird baths give feathered friends access to clean water to drink or use for bathing. If not cleaned, the water in a birdbath can pose a health risk to birds and attract mosquitoes to your yard.

Accumulated dirt and algae could stain a bird bath that you may not be able to remove, so it’s important to clean your bird bath regularly. This can be about two or three times a week – or more often if the water looks discolored between cleanings. Read on to learn how to clean a bird bath to keep your yard a safe haven for neighborhood birds.


how to clean a bird bath


When considering how to clean a bird bath, it’s important to use cleaning supplies that are safe for birds. Bleach can poison birds if too much residue is left after cleaning a bird bath, and synthetic detergents or soaps can strip the natural oils from a bird’s feathers. For this reason, the best way to clean bird baths is to use a natural solution of water and vinegar, as detailed below.

Diluted vinegar is usually sufficient to remove algae, dirt, and other grime from even an old birdbath. If you feel like you need a little extra cleaning power to tackle a stubborn stain, try baking soda.

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STEP 1: Pour out the water and remove any loose residue.

Birds can carry diseases, so it’s always a good idea to wear a pair of rubber gloves when handling or cleaning a birdbath. Once your hands are protected, pour out all the water from the bird bath.

The dirty bird bath water can be safely poured onto grass. However, avoid disposing of anything in an area of ​​the lawn where water collects, as birds could use the puddle as a birdbath. After pouring the water, remove any feathers, leaves, or other debris that may have become attached to the pool.

STEP 2: Prepare a cleaning solution of vinegar and water.

how to clean a bird bath


Whether you’re cleaning a concrete, plastic or ceramic bird bath, a vinegar and water solution should provide safe and effective cleaning power. To clean a bath with vinegar, simply mix one part distilled white vinegar to nine parts water. Combining the two liquids in one spray bottle can make it easier to use for multiple cleansing sessions.

STEP 3: Use a scrub brush to clean the bird bath.

After mixing the cleaning solution, spray it all over the pool. Use a heavy-duty scrubbing brush to remove bird droppings, algae, dirt, or other debris from the tank. Be sure to clean all areas of the pool, including the rim and outside.

For stubborn stains, spray on the vinegar solution and leave for 10 to 15 minutes before returning to exfoliating. As mentioned above, baking soda is also bird safe and can be used to remove stubborn stains.

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STEP 4: Rinse and dry the pool.

how to clean a bird bath


Once the basin is clean, rinse thoroughly with clean water. You want to remove any remaining residue and as much vinegar residue as possible. The bird bath should also dry completely before refilling with water. This will ensure the vinegar evaporates to give the birds a clean place to bathe and drink.

STEP 5: Add 2 inches of water to the bird basin.

When the tank is completely dry you can refill it with water for the birds. Most birds prefer shallow water, so adding only about 2 inches of fresh water to the birdbath is recommended.

How to keep a bird bath clean

how to clean a bird bath


Learning how to keep a birdbath clean can reduce the time it takes for future deep cleanings. Below are some additional tips that can help you keep your bird bath clean:

  • Add a bubbler: Bubblers like this highly rated option available on Amazon keep the water in a bird bath circulating, which can help prevent algae or bacterial growth. A bird bath aerator or water stirrer will also attract fewer mosquitoes, which prefer to lay their eggs in stagnant water.
  • Seal bird bath: Use a clear, non-toxic sealer to seal the pool and make cleaning easier. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and allow the product to fully cure before adding water to avoid any potential health risks to the birds.
  • Place the bird bath in a shady place: In direct sunlight, algae thrive and water evaporates much faster. Placing the bird bath in a shady spot will minimize both of these problems.
  • Add a wildlife-safe enzyme to the water: Bird-safe enzyme cleaners like this highly rated option available on Amazon can help break down impurities and keep the water in a bird bath cleaner.
  • Drain old water before adding clean water: Any time you add some fresh water to the bird bath, always pour out the old water first. This removes more germs and bacteria than simply topping up the water.
  • Place a copper penny on the bottom of the basin: Copper can minimize algae growth, so adding a copper penny that was minted before 1982 (pennies from 1983 to the present are mostly zinc with a thin coating of copper) can slow algae growth in the bird bath.
  • Add a heater: While a birdbath heater won’t help keep the tank clean, it will prevent the water from freezing even during the colder winter months.

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