How to Clean Carpet and Get Rid of Stains, Smells, and Other Messes | Architectural Digest

Step 1: Gently remove any physical debris such as crumbs, being careful not to push the mess further into the carpet.

Step 2: Use a clean cloth to blot and remove moisture. Brown prefers a white cloth towel that is dye-free. She avoids paper towels, which can leave fibers behind when dissolved.

Step 3: Spray the foam cleaner directly onto the stain and leave it on for about a minute. Brown prefers foam carpet cleaners because they bind to the carpet fibers without saturating the pad under the stain.

Step 4: Blot the area with another clean cloth until the stain is removed. Repeat the above steps as needed.

With this cleaning method she was able to remove red wine, grease, blood, tar, cranberry juice, strawberry puree and coffee from all types of carpets, rugs and even upholstery. Her product of choice is colorfast and she’s never had a problem damaging carpet fibers or causing discoloration. Nevertheless, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​carpet before mixing with your other cleaning products.

What is the best way to remove pet stains from carpet?

For pet stains, Brown relies on the above method but finishes with a neutral pH enzymatic spray to eliminate odors and deodorize the carpet. She likes to use a product like OdoBan for this. It is a concentrate that you need to pour into a spray bottle and dilute with water according to the directions on the bottle. Spray enough to cover the affected area, but do not saturate the carpet. She says it leaves no sticky residue, and when your carpet dries it will look – and smell – as good as new.

How do you clean carpets naturally?

Your first instinct when cleaning your carpet without chemicals might be to reach for some hot water. But that’s not the best idea. Soaking your carpet with anything, especially water, can deeply penetrate the carpet and the upholstery underneath. This can be difficult to dry without professional equipment, making you more susceptible to mold and mildew that can be costly to eliminate.

For a natural carpet cleaning solution, Brown Club says soda and white vinegar are good options. When hosting a party, she often has a spray bottle of soda water and a white terry towel handy for unexpected spills. She suggests lightly spraying the stained area with club soda and patting it dry. Remember that time is always working against you when dealing with stains. The longer a stain sits, the harder it will set and the harder it will be to remove.

How do you clean a carpet with baking soda?

Because baking soda is an alkaline substance, it can break down fat and absorb odors. Sprinkle Arm & Hammer Carpet & Room Extra Strength Odor Eliminator directly onto the carpet stain and leave for one to three hours while it sets. Then suck it up. If you try this technique, make sure you remove the vacuum cleaner’s filters and rinse them with a water and vinegar solution and air dry before putting them back in. “Baking soda can really affect the life of your vacuum,” Brown explains. “It gets trapped easily in the machine’s filter, making it less effective.” She also warns about deodorizing powders for the same reason.

How do you know if you need professional carpet cleaning?

You can probably clean the carpet yourself if you have a small stain or have recently installed new carpet that just needs maintenance. But if you’ve recently moved, been a careless vacuum cleaner, or have had pet accidents for years, the most economical carpet cleaning solution to a big mess or stubborn stain is to call in a professional carpet cleaner, Brown admits. Depending on where you live, you can often get a few rooms cleaned for around $100 (about what you pay to rent one of these machines). With this you get an experienced expert and his professional equipment, including steam cleaners, moisture meters and powerful fans that speed up the drying process. “On top of that, you also have insurance that protects your carpet,” she says. “So if something goes wrong, they have to fix it or replace it, not you.”

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