How to create a Reddit profile

If you’ve been on the internet for more than a few minutes, you’ve probably heard of Reddit. The discussion site isn’t considered one of the top social media platforms, but nearly half a billion users use Reddit for everything from news aggregation to talking about interestingly weird topics around the web. In some cases, Reddit is better than Google at finding the answer you’re looking for. Sure, you’ve probably stumbled upon Reddit threats on other platforms, but they come from this site designed for rabbit hole stalking and argument making.


So, do you want to join in the fun? We don’t blame you, but you need to set yourself up first. As with any platform like Reddit, creating an account gives you more features, the ability to follow more threads, and the ability to contribute more deeply.

In this guide, we’ll explain what Reddit is, give tips on how to navigate the site, and explain how to set up a Reddit profile, whether you’re doing it on a PC or one of the best Android phones.

What is Reddit?

Reddit is a US-based website and mobile app that allows users to discuss, debate, argue, and communicate on a range of topics. The threading system is a bit reminiscent of Twitter, although the lack of a character limit allows for overly in-depth exploration of topics.

You can add almost anything to a thread. Text, links, videos, GIFs and images can be found throughout the platform organized into communities or subreddits. These sites often have rules about what you can talk about in threads and how you should conduct yourself when communicating with other users.

Reddit is reportedly the 9th most visited website in the world and the 6th most visited website in the US. So you are not alone if you want to create a Reddit profile.

How to create a Reddit profile on a PC

Creating an account for most platforms is easy once you are ready to connect your social or email channels to the platform. If you create a Reddit profile on your PC, you’ll need to use your email address to set up the account.

To create a Reedit profile on your PC:

  1. Go to in your browser.
  2. Click on the blue registration button in the top right corner.
  3. Choose either Continue with Google, Continue with Appleor fill out the email Crate.
  4. When you enter your email address, go to your inbox and find the message from Reddit.
  5. Click on the blue button that says Continue to Reddit in the email.
  6. follow that prompts to set up your account.
  7. Choose yours identity from the menu.
  8. Choose yours Interests from the menu.
  9. Choose yours communities from the menu.
  10. Choose your avatar.
  11. Check your Reddit homepage.
  12. Choose change username button in the top right corner.
  13. Change your username to whatever you like.

How to create a Reddit profile on Android

Now, if you’re looking to streamline the process a bit and set up a Reddit account on your Android smartphone through the Reddit mobile app, we can help you with that too. The process is slightly different and you won’t see some screenshots in this guide due to the security of the Reddit app. Still, you can easily create your account by following these quick steps.

  1. Download the Reddit app in the Google Play Store.
  2. Choose either Continue with Google, Continue with Appleor fill out the email Crate.
  3. When you select the email field, select the email address, username, and password you want to use.

  4. Fill in the About you Section with what you identify as.
  5. Choose which one Interests you want to follow

  6. Choose your avatar.
  7. Take a look at your home dashboard and enjoy it.

And you’re done! Whether you started on a PC or an Android smartphone, you can set up and run your account on any device you sign in on, allowing you to discuss whether the earth is flat on the go or in the comfort of your own home. There are also a number of alternative Reddit apps that allow you to enjoy the mobile experience even better.

Dive in and join in!

Now that you’re set up with a Reddit account, it’s time to explore it. First, take the setup process seriously, as your choice of interests and communities will affect your experience on the home page. After that, do a little digging in the search bar to find top or subreddits to follow.

To learn how to engage more meaningfully with the platform, check out our guide to creating a subreddit so you can start discussions instead of reading them. You can also comment and forward other people’s topics as long as you follow the rules of that community.

And remember, have fun! While social media platforms can get toxic, Reddit is packed with interesting topics and interested people, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding something to read and engage with.

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