How To Customize Your Locker

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  • Where to find decorations

turn 3 is a game that manages to convince on almost every level. It’s quick to play, easy to pick up, has depth in droves, and you can play around and customize your swag. While it’s not perfect (no game is, after all), it manages to weather the landing with an elegance and grace that we don’t often see.

See also: Splatoon 3 – Complete Battle Guide

Customization is a big thing in Splatoon and has been since its first tentative dive into the ink pool of game development. While you can’t customize the specifics of your weapon’s gear, pretty much everything else is. You can even customize your locker in Splatoon 3, and to do that you need decorations.


What are decorations?

Decorations are exactly what they sound like – decorative items to collect and place in your locker. Decorations come in all shapes and sizes, and all fall into specific categories. These basically boil down to different ones sticker, article, weaponsand articles from dress that you have found throughout your adventures (both online and offline).

Where to find decorations

Decorations can be found in many places in Splatoon 3and depending on what type of decoration you are looking for will determine where you should look first.


This may seem obvious but every store in Splatoon 3 “technically” sells decorations. That’s because all automatically becomes a decorative item. If you want to show off a sick looking gun, Buy it from Sheldon. How about a funky pair of shoes or a smart jacket? Visit one of the clothing stores.

Of course, if you want something less battle-ready, If you then head to the general store, you’ll discover a plethora of purchases ranging from stickers to stuffed animals. These change every day, so check back often to discover something new.

gacha machine

If you go to the lobby you will see a gacha dispenser Left of the food stand. This is a great way to find just about anything although your results are very strongly tied to RNG. go towards it Insert 30,000 coinsand maybe walk away with a decoration.

That price tag might seem ridiculous — and that’s because it is. We don’t recommend you use this thing for the most part. The exception to this rule is Your first move of the daysince this only costs 5000 coinsand that’s worth the gamble.


A number of decorations can be found simply by progressing through the single player campaign and searching the area for secrets. For example, early on you can find a decoration that allows you to place an Easter Island statue in your locker. Of course, this is just a ridiculous example, and many other crazy decorations – big and small – can be found this way.

Where to find your locker

Finding your locker is incredibly easy, but it is not clearly signposted at the beginning of the game. It took some days to even realize that this was a system for us to play around with. It doesn’t help that Locker room doors are blacked out until you try to traverse them for the first time.

The changing room and thus also your locker, can be found in the lobby. Just go through the double doors to the left of the Gatcha machinewhich is to the left of the food stand, what on the other hand to the right of the main entrance You enter. Step inside and boom, your locker is ready to be customized.

How to expand your locker

It’s impossible to fit all your fancy swags in your lockers. It’s just too much to fit into such a small space. However, there is a way to expand your locker – Grind. Your starter closet is tiny, and you can barely fit a gun in it, let alone clothes and cool collectibles. Once you reach level 15 it more or less doubles. This way you can store more things and do more interesting things in your locker.

Next: Splatoon 3 – Salmon Run Guide

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