How To Farm Ender Pearls In Minecraft

Mojang’s sandbox building game Minecraft offers a variety of rare resources and treasures that players need to get their hands on if they want to get good gear, rare buffs, or even new dimensions. When it comes to the latter, Ender Pearls are a necessary item that everyone needs to activate an End Portal in a Stronghold and enter the End Dimension.

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There are two main reasons to reach the end: defeat the ender dragon for XP and explore the end islands to find end cities for loot and the extremely rare Elytra. Therefore, at some point in the game, Ender Pearls become an important item for players to farm. Here’s how players can efficiently Farm for Ender Pearls in Minecraft.


Trade with a cleric villager

A consistent way to obtain Ender Pearls is by speaking to a Cleric Villager. However, not all Clerics will sell Ender Pearls. Players must first level up a cleric until they reach expert level in their profession. After that, there is a small chance that Ender Pearls will be sold.

The cost of an enderpearl is 5 emeralds. This can be a pretty steep price, especially for just one item. Players who have a lot of resources but don’t want to explore as much in the game can simply go for this option, provided they have saved up a lot of Emeralds or traded them from other villagers.

Build a farm

The obvious way to farm every mob that comes by Minecraft is to build a kind of mob farm. The trick is that the best place to farm endermen that drop enderpearls is in the ending, the very place where players try to come first. Therefore, building an Enderman farm only becomes possible after players reach the end.

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It’s still possible to create a general mob farm for mob drops, as endermen spawn occasionally, provided players make the spawn room for those farms three blocks high so they can spawn there. However, according to Binary Vigilante and his YouTube guide on the subject, it is possible to create an Enderman farm of sorts in the Nether.

Get a Looting III sword

This advice is generally good no matter what mob drop the player wants to farm. Looting III is pretty much a necessity that guarantees players have a higher chance of getting Lucky Mob Drops. Endermen aren’t always guaranteed to drop an enderpearl on death, but Looting III increases that probability.

Looting III is only available as a sword enchantment. To get it, players should first farm at least 30 levels of XP and then use an enchantment table to interact with the sword they wish to enchant.

Given how rare and powerful this enchantment is, it’s recommended to put it on a Diamond or Netherite Sword, especially since Endermen are stronger mobs that can deal a lot of damage if players don’t kill them quickly.

Barter with Piglins in the Nether

One of the best ways to get Ender Pearls in game is popular with many Minecraft speed runner. In this method, players enter the Nether dimension and interact with Piglins, which are mobs they can trade with since Nether update 1.16.

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Piglins do not have a trade screen like villagers do. If gold bars fall on the ground near them, they will run over to them, pick them up and stare at them for some time before dropping an item and giving it back to the player.

One of these items is Ender Pearls. There’s a 2.18% chance that Piglins will drop between two and four enderpearls every time they examine a gold bar, so it’s by no means a guaranteed method, but it’s one of the more affordable trades in the game. Since gold doesn’t really have a better use right now and gold is easy to find, it’s a great way to get Enderpearls fast.

Kill endermen in the twisted forest biome

Speaking of the Nether, it was previously mentioned that it was possible to create an Enderman farm in the Nether thanks to the existence of the Warped Forest biome. This is because Endermen have been spawning in abundance in the Nether since 1.16, provided players find the right biome.

The Warped Forest biome is turquoise, bluish, and green in color. Players aren’t guaranteed to find one right away, but if they happen to spawn in one, they’re in luck, as Endermen will spawn here continuously.

Players can just walk around the forest and kill as many endermen as they need. If you combine this with the aforementioned Looting III sword, you should see a few stacks of Ender Pearls within an hour or two.

Minecraft is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS and many other platforms.

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