How To Get Crushing Fangs in Monster Hunter: Rise

In order to upgrade their weapons and craft armor, Monster Hunter: Rise players need a lot of materials. This guide will help you find Crushing Fangs.

Quick links

  • Where to find Crushing Fang
  • How can Crushing Fang be used?

Often required despite its extensive crafting systems Monster Hunter: Ascension Pitting players against the largest and toughest wyverns the game has to offer, sometimes it’s content to let players fight smaller creatures that die in one fell swoop, or scavenge for items in random piles of bones to find upgrade materials .

One of those fairly easy-to-obtain items is the Crushing Fang, which is present in many upgrade trees. This guide shows the different ways players can find them and what they are used for.


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Where to find Crushing Fang

Unlike some other craft materials in Monster Hunter: Ascension, Crushing Fangs are earned almost entirely by killing the game’s smaller creatures. Some are easier to kill than others, and some have a much higher chance of yielding Crushing Fangs when carved than others. The list below lists the best ways to find them, but it should be noted that all mentions of killing and carving must be made master rank Versions of a specific range.

  • delex in the Sandy Plains have a 30% chance to gain a fang when carving.
  • Wroggi in Shrine Ruins, Flooded Forest, and Lava Caves have a 25% chance to gain a fang when carving.
  • Baggi in the Frost Isles have a 25% chance to gain a fang when carving.
  • Zamit in the Frost Isles have a 25% chance to gain a fang when carving.
  • bull mud in the Shrine Ruins and Flooded Forest have a 18% chance to gain a fang when carving.
  • Boggi in the citadel have a 15% chance to gain a fang when carving.
  • gajauwhich can be fished in Shrine Ruins, Frost Isles, Flooded Forests and Lava Caves have a 10% chance to drop a fang when caught.
  • Jaggia & Jaggi in the Sandy Plains have a 10% chance to gain Fangs when carving.
  • Various Master rank quests also have a chance to give Crushing Fangs as a reward, but they are considered quite rare.

How can Crushing Fang be used?

craft weapons

Upgrading Weapons​​​​​

Craft armor sets

  • Baggi X
  • Bone X
  • Stink of Death X
  • Jaggi Mask X
  • Jaggi X
  • Kulu-Ya-Ku X
  • Rhenoplos X
  • Skalda X
  • Skull X
  • Uroktor X

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is available now for Nintendo Switch and PC.

MORE: Are Sunbreak’s title updates using the element of fire too heavily?

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