How to get involved in National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Windsor

Students at Academie Ste-Cecile were given the opportunity to learn about truth and reconciliation thanks to a visit from Carrie Ann Peters, Caldwell First Nations Culture and Language Coordinator.

“A lot of teachers really want that perspective from a First Nations person, so a lot of schools have invited me to talk about the things they’re learning,” says Peters.

Teacher Nancy Pancheshan helped get Peters into school and said, “It’s important that the kids learn to make Canada a better place.”

To mark Canada’s second National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, students have spent the past week learning the importance of honoring the survivors and the children who have not returned home from boarding schools.

“We learned why the Orange Shirt Day exists and we can all wear our orange shirt to raise awareness for the Day of Truth and Atonement,” says Jhanvi Maraj.

Pancheshan learned a lot from Peters during the visit, which dealt with the sensitive issue, telling CTV News Windsor: “We kind of got into the darker side of the Indian Act, the boarding schools and the treaties that Canada made and that we do.” have not complied with. It is important to reconcile.”

Adds college student Jineanne Alami, “People should wear their orange shirts and tell their stories to others and let the world know.”

Peters is pleased that National Truth and Reconciliation Day is being recognized, but believes students would benefit if schools also had the day off.

“So that they can actually participate in what First Nations are doing that day, so they can come out and learn even more,” she says.

There are learning opportunities throughout Windsor, Ont. Region.

John R. Park Homestead on Wednesday launched an exhibit entitled 21 Truths that will run through mid-October.

“I think people are sensitive to the subject matter and the somber tone, but leave a little more enlightened and a little bit more educated,” says curator Kris Ives. “People are willing and interested to learn more. We hope that community exhibitions like this will help create that path for people to start their own educational journey.”

The Catholic School Board held a community event next to their offices behind Assumption High School at 9:30 a.m. Friday morning

“We’re going to come together to honor, to bring an understanding, a deeper understanding, because if we’re going to reconcile, if we’re going to walk that path of reconciliation, it means first we have to know each other.”

The City of Windsor is hosting a community event at the Ojibway Prairie Complex on Friday between 10am and 1pm that will include cultural song, drumming, storytelling and food.

The Chimczuk Museum is also open to the Original Peoples Culture and Legacy Gallery.

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