How to Haggle When You’re Buying a New Mattress

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Of all the purchases we make, there are very few that involve hagglingGetting a better price on the item is acceptable – and most take place within the confines of flea markets, antique fairs and estate sales.

But there is another bargaining opportunity that many people have overlooked or are unaware of: buying a new mattress. In fact, according to a recent Consumer Reports survey23% of people who recently bought a new mattress said they tried to negotiate a lower price – and most report it be successful.

While it won’t work on every mattress, it could be worth a try any time it means saving money on a major purchase. Here’s what you should know.

How to haggle when buying a new mattress

In addition to negotiating a better price when shopping at a mattress showroom, this is also possible when buying a mattress online. Corresponding consumer reportshaggling when shopping for mattresses online involves communicating (i.e. negotiating with) a customer service representative, either over the phone or live chat through their website.

The negotiation strategies are mostly the same. Here’s what to do:

Do your homework

If you want to haggle, you have to do it go in prepared. That means knowing what features you want (e.g. materials, warranty, strength), how much you want/can to pay, and the popular prices for mattresses that suit your needs at a range of prices.

Even if you plan to make the purchase in person, do an online comparison first to get a good price. If you are buying the mattress online, outline your conversation topics before speaking to the customer service representative on the phone or via live chat.

Be polite

Some people equate haggling and “making a tough deal” with aggressiveness that borders on rudeness. But that is not necessary. You’ll probably have better luck if you’re strict but polite.

Ask for a better price

It’s almost too easy to mention, but it works. “Even a customer who does nothing but ask for a price reduction will usually be successful,” says Martin Lachter, Mattress researcher at Consumer Reports.

Remind yourself that there is at least 40-50% premium on mattresses, so there’s plenty of room for discounts.

Mention the competition

Don’t be afraid to tell the seller that you’ve looked around and can get a particular mattress at a lower price from a competing retailer.

Don’t forget the extras

Not only do you try to get a mattress at a cheaper price, but also pay attention to it request free delivery and collection Your old mattress and any extras that may arise.

Walk away if necessary

If the negotiations don’t go your way, you always have the option to leave the store (or end the phone or live chat with the customer service representative if you’re shopping online) without purchasing anything. And if you were polite when haggling, there’s no reason you can’t come back and buy the mattress when you realize it’s the best thing you will do.

If this is the case, get the seller’s full name and contact information and have them put the deal you negotiated in writing (on company letterhead) if it differs from the retailer’s usual selling prices or guidelines. That way you don’t have to start from scratch if you end up coming back.

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