How to help birds during fall migration

American Redstart Warbler

Every fall, millions of migratory birds make an incredibly long journey from their breeding grounds around the Great Lakes to their wintering grounds in Central and South America. You must contend with unpredictable weather conditions, shrinking habitats and countless man-made obstacles to make the journey safe.

Migratory birds travel thousands of kilometers from early September to early October. They are adaptable, resilient and capable of flight; However, a little effort on our part can help them on their way.

Make your windows stand out

It is estimated that between 100 million and 1 billion birds die each year from impact with clear reflective glass.

Windows can be dangerous for several reasons. When trees and the surrounding landscape are reflected in the window, birds perceive this as more nature. In other cases, when the glass is completely translucent, the birds only see the open space on the other side. Both cases can have fatal consequences.

Fortunately, using decals, window marking, and covering windows with other media can prevent collisions.

decals. Use lots, not just a few, and place them so the gaps between them are no larger than 2×4 inches.

highlight window. Mark the outside of your windows with transparencies, strips of translucent tape, tempera paints, and UV stickers or liquid. The markings should be spaced no more than 4 inches vertically and no more than 2 inches horizontally across the entire window to deter small birds. This spacing should be reduced to a 2×2 inch grid if hummingbirds are a problem. Some products to consider include collision avoidance, Solyx Films and window alarm.

Other media. Umbrellas, strings with beads, streamers or blinds can also prevent collisions. Even dirty windows can reduce impact.

Turn off your light

Studies show that light pollution can kill up to a million birds a year, according to the National Audubon Society.

Many birds migrate at night, using the stars and the moon as a guide. However, artificial light can confuse and disorient migratory birds, causing them to fly in the wrong direction, expend all their energy trying to fly in circles, or injure themselves when they crash into buildings or windows.

Simply turning off lights during migration from dusk to dawn can help the birds navigate safely.

If you can’t turn your lights off completely, use warm white or amber light bulbs, shield your bulbs to direct the light downwards, and install motion sensors and timers to limit how often your lights are on. If you work indoors at night, close your blinds.

Make your garden more inviting

Due to habitat loss, birds have fewer resting places during migration. Lawns and sidewalks don’t provide enough food and shelter for birds, but native gardens do. They can provide shelter, nesting sites, and food sources by increasing the space in your garden dedicated to native plant species.

You can also make your garden more welcoming and prevent accidental harm to migratory birds by eliminating the use of pesticides. Birds can accidentally come into contact with pesticides by eating contaminated seeds or insects. In addition, pesticides reduce the number of insects available to birds as a food source.

Luckily, if you’re growing native plant species, you shouldn’t need pesticides as they are better at resisting pests and diseases.

Clean your bird feeder

Regular cleaning of your bird feeder can reduce the likelihood of disease transmission and diseases caused by moldy seeds or a buildup of droppings. This is especially true when many birds are passing through at the same time.

Birdhouses should be cleaned at least every two weeks, more frequently in heavy use and warm, humid conditions. Cornell Lab of Ornithology recommends Scrub debris from the feeders, then soak them in a diluted bleach solution for 10 minutes. This is a more effective cleaning method for removing bacteria than soap and water.

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