How to Identify Very Young Children Who Are Dangerous

When we talk about dangerous people, we seldom picture small children; but some are. Researchers have documented dangerous traits in young children that everyone in the field should be aware of.

As a practicing prosecutor, I worked for years in juvenile courts, where cases occasionally involved suspects as young as 8, some of whom had committed serious violent crimes. Dangerous young children have been documented around the world. According to news reports, the world’s youngest serial killer has allegedly killed three people, the first when he was just 7 years old.[i]

In Japan, 11-year-old “Girl A” killed a classmate at school with a box cutter before returning calmly and bloodied to her own classroom.[ii] While such examples are unusual, they illustrate a larger concern that parents, law enforcement and mental health professionals have faced for years: very young children can be dangerous.

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Source: Skitterphoto on Pixabay

how young is too young

In addition to formal diagnoses using DSM-V diagnostic criteria and reports from medical institutions describing the types of disorders they see most often,[iii] Researchers have been trying to figure out how to identify and assess young children who are at risk of harming others.

Paul Tiffin and Carole Kaplan examined risk factors exhibited by young people in a piece entitled “Dangerous Children: Assessment and Management of Risk”.[iv] You begin by recognizing how child health workers see a growing number of adolescents engaging in behaviors that pose potential or actual safety risks to others. Among other observations, while discussing the intersection between personality traits and risk assessment, Tiffin and Kaplan note that antisocial traits can be identified through interview or through others in the child’s environment. In particular, they note that sadistic traits in children are sometimes evident from past behaviors, such as cruelty to other children or animals. They point out that cruelty to animals in particular is associated with a poor prognosis for behavioral disorders.

Tiffin and Kaplan also observe that impulsive traits can increase a child’s risk of antisocial acts, and state that such children act without thinking about the consequences.

Addressing and dealing with aggression in young children

Threat assessment professionals and researchers continue to focus on developing risk assessment tools to identify potentially violent youth,[v] while doctors, physicians and parents offer some practical suggestions. Mental health problems complicate analysis, but suggested behavioral interventions can be used in combination with pharmaceutical or therapeutic treatment.

behavior modeling. Children listen to what we say but model what we do. Demonstrating calm, productive ways of dealing with frustration and fear is one way to lead by example in the face of conflict. Much like adults smooth over disagreements, a calm conversation gets us far farther than emotional outbursts or accusations.

speaking at the right time. Many parents can count on the power of communication, even with very young children. But like disagreements among adults, timing matters: the most effective communication occurs when cooler heads prevail. Resist the impulse to convince in the heat of the moment. Creating a peaceful, calm environment is conducive to productive conversations, which can also provide parental insight into issues their children are facing.

Reward good behavior. This obvious incentive is often forgotten when parents understandably focus on mitigating the immediate damage caused by a child’s explosive temper tantrums. Rewarding positive behavior is an intentional, strategic way to balance motivation and guidance.

Connect with the right professionals. If a child exhibits age-appropriate dangerous behavior, parents should seek help from an expert in the field. Child counselors or healthcare professionals experienced in dealing with dangerous children can provide services and advice specifically tailored to some of the issues that such problems present.

Parents who face these difficulties are not alone. Fortunately, there is help to work towards cultivating healthy, safe, and loving family relationships.

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