How to Make ‘Creamier’ Cocktails Without Any Cream

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photo: Claire Nieder

With the ecxeption of Corn Milk Punch, creamy cocktails are not really my thing. Adding whole dairy to a cup of ethanol can cause clotting issues, but it’s the heaviness of half & half and heavy cream that makes it hard for me to enjoy. Still, there’s no denying that a hint of creaminess can add a more rounded, satisfying viscosity to a cocktail.

There are two ways you can add a little richness to your drink without reaching for cream: powdered lactic acid and leftover burrata water. The former may need to be specially ordered (but isn’t hard to find), while the latter is a great way to use up something that would otherwise go down the drain.

Add cultured seaweed with lactic acid

Lactic acid is a by-product of fermentation and is what gives cultured dairy products like yogurt and kefir their flavor. It’s mostly acidic, but acidic in a way that reminds your mouth of the cultured dairy products you typically find it in.

Corresponding HIT, dissolving lactic acid in simple syrup is the best way to create a creamy mouthfeel without the cream. The most popular versions are often made with vanilla beans. PUNCH has two recipes for vanilla milk syrup: a simple one You can make and with a whisk a much more complex one that includes an immersion circulator and a good piece of screen.

The syrups pair particularly well with fruity sours—think orange, strawberry, and pineapple—that create creamsicle vibes and round out the more acidic fruit flavors.

Add body with burrata water

I’ve written about adding burrata water to sours before, and it has to be one of my all-time favorite party tricks (drinks category). As I explained earlier, the leftover packaging water not only makes your cocktail round and creamy, it’s not heavy at all, it creates a super stable egg-free foam:

I added the suggested ounce of burrata water this easy gin sour recipe from PUNCH, and shook everything together—first without ice (which is called a “dry shake”), then again with ice. The foam was impressively stable – it lasted for 20 minutes! – and the whey added a pleasantly creamy texture and a slight saltiness.

making your own creamy, frothy, egg-free cocktail easy. Just use this plug and play formula:

  • 2 ounces liqueur (gin and whiskey are the classics here)
  • 1 ounce burrata water
  • 3/4 ounce lemon juice
  • 3/4 ounce simple syrup
  • Pour everything into a cocktail shaker and shake without ice for 30 seconds. Add ice – I like to use a giant cube – and shake vigorously until the shaker gets very cold. Strain into a coupe glass, marvel at the froth, and enjoy.

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