How to stop a dog resource guarding

Resource protection is common in dogs—but it can be solved. Award-winning dog trainer Ben Randall explains how he tackles this unusual canine dilemma.

In many ways, dogs are simple creatures, and much of their behavior – particularly the aspects we find most difficult to control – derives from the survival instincts their ancestors once developed in the wild. Today’s problem affects one of these behaviors: it’s called resource conservation, or the tendency of some dogs to “guard” their food, toys, or bed.

For a dog that lived in the wild thousands of years ago, protecting food, territory, and more would have been key to survival. In domestic pets, however, this is not a desirable trait – not least because it could put you, your children, or visitors to your home in a dangerous situation. Guarding resources can get out of hand and become extremely dangerous, especially if you have, say, a small child who drops food on the floor and picks it up. The dog could potentially growl or bite the child, which would justifiably have serious consequences for you and your dog.

Thankfully, the issue reported by this week’s reader (via [email protected]) hasn’t gotten that serious just yet, but it’s still an issue that rightly worries her. Here is her email:

“Dear Ben, our dog, a Sprocker Spaniel who is now two years old, has an obsession with sticking his head in bins and pulling out tissues or paper and shredding it into bits. If we try to take it from her, she becomes very aggressive: resource-saving. Even if she breaks it up and leaves it where we try to pick up the pieces, she becomes aggressive and won’t let us pick them up. Distracting her with a treat is one way to get the tissue/paper away, but doesn’t that reward the behavior?’

I see and hear quite a lot about this problem. Dogs can exhibit resource-efficient behaviors with all sorts of items—usually food or toys, but it can be anything they consider “their” and nobody else. However, because I use reward-based training methods that I have been developing for over 20 years that build trust and a partnership with my dogs, I have never experienced problems like this. So why is it so common?

That’s because, just like you suggested, you used treats or a bribe to get the dog to give up its prize, thereby inadvertently rewarding your dog’s unwanted behavior. This is fairly common among novice dog trainers and pet owners. Don’t worry though, because with a little effort on your part and by applying these simple methods and techniques, you can solve this problem and start building a better respect, bond, and partnership with your dog, which is essential to keeping everyone safe .

Five Tips to Stop Your Dog’s Resource Guarding:

1. Get a trash can that your dog can’t steal anything from

This may sound obvious, but the first thing you need to do is replace your trash can with one with a security lid (or a touch bin) so your sprocker can’t get in there to steal paper.

2. Teach your dog the “leave” command

I like to teach the away squad around mealtimes. I ask the dog to leave his food or a treat and then reward him with either a piece of kibble, praise, or by directing him to his food bowl if he does as I ask. For example, ask the dog to sit down, then put a treat (either a piece of kibble or his favorite ball, etc.) on the floor, and after a period of quiet waiting, call him back to you (so that she needs to get over the distraction or the food) and reward her with a piece of food or praise—but Not the treat you left on the floor. The key is using another piece of munchies or out-of-pocket food, or in praise: that makes it a deserved reward for doing the right thing, not a bribe to evoke the right response.

Teaching patience and control will make a world of difference to both you and your dog.

3. Practice until your dog understands the “leave” command

Once you’ve practiced this a few times, you’re good to go. The next time your dog grabs a piece of paper and chews in front of you, firmly give the command “leave” while simultaneously calling the dog over to you while showing him the treat in your hand. I would then ask her to sit down and place the treat on the floor in front of her while you collect the paper and toss it in the bin. Once you’ve closed the lid of the bin, release your dog for the food reward, or pick it up and hand it to her.

4. Create scenarios to reinforce the leave command

Once you’ve taught the dog the “leave” command and begun to build trust, you can often simulate this scenario throughout the day by placing or dropping a distraction (be it food or a favorite toy) on the floor. The more you practice this, the better your dog will become at ignoring these distractions. Repetition is so important: would a dog learn to sit better if asked to do it once a week or multiple times a day?

5. Increase the amount of time you ask your dog to wait

Reinforce and perfect all of this by teaching your dog to sit patiently at each meal for extended periods while you tinker around in the kitchen or in the yard. This will help teach her patience and control and help her be calmer and more relaxed about all sorts of distractions, both inside and outside the home. It will also encourage a closer, more trusting bond between you and your dog, as your dog will see you as the person allowing him these rewards, and he will think, “If I work as a team with this person, then I will be rewarded.” , either with effusive praise or food.’

For more detailed advice on Ben Randall’s positive, reward-based and proven BG training methods, individual training sessions, home training or five star boarding at his BGHQ in Herefordshire, call 01531 670960 or visit www.ledburylodgekennels. For a free seven day trial of the Gundog app costing £24.99 per month or £249.99 per year visit

For the past few months, award-winning dog trainer Ben Randall has shared his advice with Country Life readers.

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