How to Track Medications in iPhone Health App With iOS 16

  • You can track your medication, dosage, and schedule in the Health app on your iOS 16 iPhone.
  • To add a medication to the Health app, find the Health categories and go to Medications.
  • After you set up a medication, you’ll receive notifications to stay on schedule and can log each dose.

Whether it’s antibiotics for a short-term illness or lifelong medication for a chronic condition, it’s crucial that you remember to take your medication – the right dose at the right time and for the prescribed duration. You can use your iPhone’s Health app as a medication tracker to make all of this easier. The app now offers the ability to track and manage your medications in iOS 16.

To use the Health app’s medication tracker, your iPhone must be running iOS 16 or later. If you are unsure, you should check which version of iOS your iPhone is running and update your iPhone if necessary.

How to add a new medication to the iPhone Health app

1. start this Health app, and then tap search at the bottom of the screen.

2. In which health categories section, tap medication.

3. Beat Add a drug.

Setting up medications in the Health app on iPhone.

You can add information about your medications to the Health app.

Dave Johnson/Insider

4. On the add medication page, search for your medication by name or tap camera icon and scan the label of your medication.

5. Set the frequency and time of day for your medications.

Setting up medications in the Health app on iPhone.

Specify when to take your medication and your iPhone will remind you in good time.

Dave Johnson/Insider

6. On the Choose the shape Page you can select the shape of the pill or container to remind you which medication this entry is associated with. Then choose a color Choose colors Side.

Setting up medications in the Health app on iPhone.

You can choose the shape and color of your pills to make it easier to tell them apart.

Dave Johnson/Insider

7. On the Drug Summary page, enter additional details such as the friendly name you want to use or notes about the drug. Beat Next (or Skip).

8th. On the Medical Interactions On this page you can specify whether the Health app should warn you about possible interactions with substances such as alcohol, cannabis or tobacco. Turn these on by swiping the buttons to the right and then tapping Finished.

After you set up a medication and enter its schedule information, you’ll receive notifications when it’s time to take the medication.

You can change the information for any medication at any time. start this Health app and tap search. Beat medicationand then tap the drug in the your medication Section. On the details page for your drug, locate the section you want to customize, such as B. the schedule or medication details, and tap on To edit to make changes.

How to log medication intake in the iPhone Health app

You can track your medication schedule by logging your dosages in the Health app. You can indicate when you took your medication or you can log it as skipped if you didn’t take the medication for any reason.

1. start this Health app and tap search.

2. Beat medication.

3. On the medication On the page, find and tap the drug you want to log.

4. Beat skipped or out of stock how appropriate.

Log medications in the Health app on iPhone.

You can log medications as taken or missed.

Dave Johnson/Insider

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