How to Turn Off the Memories Feature on iPhone

  • You can turn off reminders on your iPhone by going to the Photos menu in your Settings app.
  • If you don’t want to disable Reminders entirely, you can also reset the feature so that the same photos are no longer recommended.

Like any modern smartphone, the iPhone uses AI to automate many functions. One of those features is Memories, a tool that looks back at photos you took while on vacation or vacation and creates slideshows from the “best” ones.

But the reminders feature can be annoying — especially when it keeps recommending photos from a time in your life you’d rather forget. That’s why in iOS 16 you can now turn off or reset the reminders feature.

How to turn off reminders on your iPhone

You can either disable the reminder feature entirely or reset the algorithm so that it no longer recommends the same photos to you.

Remember that you need to update your iPhone to iOS 16 first.

1. Open your iPhone settings app and scroll down to tap it photos.

2. Scroll down to the two sections labeled at the bottom of the page memories and Memories & selected photos.

3. To turn off Memories completely, tap both Show holiday events and the Show selected content switches so that they tilt to the left. As a result, your iPhone won’t suggest Memories slideshows anywhere.

4. If you only want to clear the current photo selection algorithm, tap both Reset suggested reminders and Reset person suggestions.

The controls in an iPhone's Photos settings menu that allow you to reset or turn off reminders.

You have two options for managing your reminders.

Apple; William Antonelli/Insider

You can also get rid of certain reminders that appear in the photos app by tapping the three points in the upper right corner of the store and select Function Less… or clear memory.

A memory on an iPhone with the Featureless and Delete Memory options visible and highlighted.

Choosing either option may also affect what reminders your iPhone creates in the future.

Apple; William Antonelli/Insider

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