Lymphatic Drainage: Does it Work? And How to Do It Yourself

Scroll through TikTok and Instagram long enough and you’re likely to find someone scraping, brushing, or massaging their skin for better health or improved looks. Testimonials abound – on body scraping to loosen stiff limbs, gua sha for a sculpted jaw, vibrating facial massagers to reduce puffiness, dry brushing to “detox”. Such posts have amassed tens of millions of views on TikTok in recent years, with celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Elle Macpherson attesting to their effectiveness.

All of these trendy techniques are based on the same concept: stimulating the circulation of a colorless, watery fluid called lymph, which carries white blood cells to and from the body’s organs and carries waste matter from cells and tissues to the lymph nodes, where they are filtered and returned to the fed into the bloodstream. The sweeping motion of dry brushing – which instructs you to sweep a stiff-bristled brush in small circles all over your body – and the pulses of a vibrating facial massager are designed to gently knead any potential blockages in lymphatic flow. Gua Sha, which involves scraping along the contours of your face with a stone or metal tool; body scraping, a full-body version of Gua Sha that uses similar tools; and jade rolling, in which you roll a rounded stone tool across your face, are techniques that aim to physically push or drain lymph fluid to the lymph nodes where it is filtered and then pumped back into the bloodstream.

The testimonies lack answers to some key questions: Do these practices actually stimulate lymphatic flow? And if so, what results can you really expect?

In many ways, the lymphatic system is the circulatory system’s underappreciated sibling, less well known and less studied than its counterpart, said Shan Liao, associate professor of immunology at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. But it is important for proper immune function and cellular health. Lymph builds up naturally in body tissues and then travels through an intricate network of vessels to the lymph nodes, which act as a filtration system, before the fluid returns to the bloodstream, Dr. liao

Lymph isn’t pumped like blood — “we don’t have a lymphatic heart,” she said, although the lymphatics do pulsate a little. You can also piggyback on the pulse of the blood vessels and use that power to aid in movement. But lymph flow is mainly generated when we breathe, stretch and move.

When lymphatic fluid doesn’t move properly through the vessels, it can build up in body tissues and cause swelling or lymphedema, said Dr. liao This can cause a feeling of tightness or heaviness in the limbs, reduced range of motion, and changes in skin thickness or coloration. Lymphedema is a particular problem in cancer patients and people who have had surgery, because lymphatic vessels can be blocked by tumors or damaged by radiation therapy, and surgical incisions can sever their connections. In addition, about one in 100,000 people have genes that cause them to develop chronic lymphedema in childhood or early adulthood. Swelling from any type of lymph accumulation can make people more susceptible to recurring infections, especially if left untreated, Dr. Liao, as immune cells cannot get to their targets efficiently.

For most people in generally good health, there will be adequate lymph flow whether or not you take steps to care for your lymphatic system.

Nonetheless, generations of alternative medicine practices – from traditional Chinese medicine to naturopathy to Ayurveda – have used lymphatic massage techniques to restore the body’s “balance” and boost immune function in healthy individuals. While not strictly necessary for most people to maintain their health, these methods are a way to adjust to your body’s natural fluctuations, said Dr. Melissa Ventimiglia, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine in Old Westbury, NY They can also have immediate, albeit temporary, effects on the appearance of your skin.

References to lymph in traditional Chinese medicine date back 2,000 years, said Yumi Ridsdale, a Chinese medicine practitioner in Ontario, Canada. “They didn’t use the word ‘lymphatic system,’ of course—they didn’t have such a word,” but traditional Chinese medicine emphasized the importance of lymphatic circulation, and contemporary practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine often incorporate gua sha, body scraping, and dry brushing into their treatments.

Academic studies on how well these techniques work are scarce and tend to be limited by small sample sizes. Existing research suggests that a related technique called manual lymphatic drainage massage, in which therapists gently rub and tap specific parts of the body to promote lymphatic movement and drainage, is effective in reducing swelling in cancer patients. Other research, also limited, suggests that gua sha and facial massage rollers might increase blood flow and the delivery of oxygen to the skin, which is necessary for new cell growth.

Massaging your lymph can help stimulate its flow again and prevent a feeling of “physical congestion,” said Dr. Ventimiglia – especially after sleeping or sitting for a long time. You can also notice immediate changes to your skin and face — a reduction in puffiness or a more sculpted appearance — with gua sha or similar techniques, Ms Ridsdale said, although those effects last a few hours at most.

The keys to keeping lymphatic health balanced are the same as for your health in general: exercise your body, eat healthily, breathe deeply. When it comes to lymphatic drainage and all of the massage tools and techniques that come with it, use them when you enjoy them, said Dr. Ventimiglia.

You can massage your face and body with just your fingertips, knuckles, or palms, or with rollers, scrapers, or dry brushes. The best rule of thumb for the body is to start at the toes and fingertips and work towards your core. When dry brushing, use small circular motions over your limbs and abdomen.

When massaging your face, work from the midline of your face, moving upward and outward. Some people draw their knuckles over their jawline or cheekbones, others recommend sliding the heels of your hands down the sides of your mouth and rolling them up towards your temples (imagine your hand doing the worm as it pushes up towards your ears ).

Because lymphatic vessels have one-way valves, the entire network can only circulate in one direction, Dr. Ventimiglia, so you should massage in the same direction as your existing lymph flow. Massage against the natural flow isn’t necessarily harmful, she said, but it’s not helpful either.

If you’re not sure which direction to massage, “You can easily look up lymph maps from YouTube or books, it’s not that hard,” Ms Ridsdale said. There’s even a guide on Martha Stewart’s website. But remember, “more isn’t better,” she added. Ten to 20 minutes on an area is more than enough to get things up and running.

There are also a couple of large lymph nodes that you can drain with light pressure, Ms Ridsdale said: In your armpits, above your collarbones, in your groin and in the space under your ear and behind your jaw. Helping your lymph is one way to take a moment to think about how your body is feeling at any given moment, Ms Ridsdale said, adding that she believes “everyone should be doing it”.

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