The Cycle: Frontier – How to Play With Friends

It’s dangerous to go in alone The cycle: limit. As if the animal creatures masquerading as fellow players and roaming the land weren’t bad enough, there are also tough enemies waiting to ambush the player at every scavenging location throughout Fortuna III.

To maximize the chances of survival and generally have more fun with the game, it is recommended to play with friends. However, the game does not make it clear how the system works. This guide will help players add their friends to an in-game friends list before they team up and attack the enemy planet together.


RELATED: Beginner tips for The Cycle: Frontier

Where can I find usernames?

As previously mentioned, The cycle: limit has a bizarre friendship system. Just knowing a friend’s Steam username is not enough as players need to know it too the five digits at the end of a friend’s username. These are randomly assigned by the game.

To reach the screen shown in the screenshot above and find out everything The cycle: limit Username, players must Press Tab (or open inventory) while in the main game area. Navigate there To play tab on the far left. On this screen, they will find a list of their current quests, a Fortuna III assignment prompt, and their full username.

Adding a Friend

After learning their usernames, players then need to navigate Friends list menu by pressing the ‘O’ button. There you can see:

  • Incoming friend requests
  • Incoming squad invites
  • Friends who are online right now and what they are doing right now
  • Friends who are currently offline
  • The Add Friend tab.

Thanks to the previous step, players are just a few steps away from adding their friends as in-game friends.

  1. Enter a friend’s full name (including numbers) into the search bar on the Add Friend tab.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass icon.
  3. Click the plus icon next to the name of the friend you want.
  4. Wait for the friend to accept the request.

Add random players as friends

In addition to playing with friends, sometimes players want to add an interesting-looking player to their friends list in the hub. For that easy Approach the player and hold F to open a context menu. It’s then quick and easy to click on the “Add Friend” option, whereupon the player will receive the friend request in their friends list menu.

Squad Up

Adding a friend is all well and good, but moral support will not fill a player’s gunshot wounds. After all, adding friends to a squad is the end goal. To do this, open the menu of the friends list again. After accepting a player’s friend request, they will appear in the list with a variety of icons next to their name. To add them to a squad, click on the icon representing multiple people, then wait for them to accept the invitation.

After that, open the deployment menu by physically approaching the starting area (or navigating to the “Play” section of the menus). From there, all squad members must equip any items they wish to take to Fortuna III and select Prepare. When all players are ready, the group is deployed to the planet together. Just try not to leave anyone behind while extracting!

MORE: The Cycle: Frontier’s Best Weapons, Ranked

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