The link and how to manage

Depression can cause weight changes, which may be due to physical changes in the body as a result of the depression itself, side effects of antidepressants, or changes in appetite and relationship with food.

There is a close connection between depression and weight changes, which can work both ways. Drastic weight changes can affect a person’s emotional state and create physical changes in their body that can also affect their mood.

Depression can alter a person’s eating habits, level of physical activity, and metabolic system, all of which can affect weight.

This article looks at the connection between depression and weight and the steps a person can take to manage depression and weight changes that may occur.

Changes in appetite, diet, and eating habits are common in depression.

depression can cause Loss of appetite, which can lead to weight loss. However, depression can instead lead to an increase in appetite and thus weight gain. Researchers now describe two types of depression:

Weight loss can occur when people lose interest or pleasure in eating, which can occur as a result of changes in the brain’s reward system that occur with depression.

antidepressants can also cause weight loss or weight gain. And other possible side effects of antidepressants, such as nausea and insomnia, can affect eating habits and weight.

Research has shown that depression rates in people who are obese are twice as high as in those who are not. Researchers are still unsure whether obesity leads to depression or whether depression leads to obesity.

Depression and obesity can occur as a result of a change in stress responses in the body. Other factors that can link the two conditions are:

Read more about the link between obesity and depression.

Obesity can cause risk factors for depression, such as:

  • reduced physical activity
  • Changes in thought patterns such as B. brooding
  • changes in appetite
  • Changes in the hormone and cytokine systems

Diet can affect both weight and mental health. A diet high in fat and sugar or containing more than the recommended number of calories can increase the risk of obesity.

People who eat healthily have a lower risk of developing depression or symptoms.

Weight changes can be a side effect of antidepressants, although medications can affect each person differently.

according to a Study 2018, antidepressants increase the risk of weight gain, which can vary depending on the type of antidepressant. The researchers found that the risk of weight gain was greatest in the second and third years of taking antidepressants.

The risk of gaining 5% or more weight was 46.3% higher in people who were in their second year of antidepressant treatment than in the general population. These results applied to people from a wide range of demographics.

according to a Study 2020Weight changes are a possible side effect of many antidepressants. Tricyclic antidepressants can lead to many side effects, including obesity. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors can also cause weight gain.

Certain antidepressants can cause weight loss in some people. For example, a common side effect of venlafaxine is nausea, which could make people want to eat less.

One of the significant side effects of long-term treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in study participants was weight loss.

Learn more about antidepressants and weight gain.

Anhedonia – the loss of pleasure or interest in things a person normally enjoys – is a key symptom of depression. Anhedonia can affect a person’s eating habits.

anhedonia and certain emotional states, such as depression, may have a link certain behaviors that make it difficult to lose weight, such as B. stopping a weight loss program or reducing cardiovascular exercise.

In people with obesity, high levels of anhedonia can also contribute to lower fitness levels and an increased risk of dropping out of a weight-loss program.

depression can influence Sleep patterns, and people affected by them, can have trouble sleeping. Insomnia can also be a side effect of some antidepressants.

Insufficient or poor sleep increases the risk of overweight and obesity, metabolic changes, dysfunctional eating habits and reduced physical activity.

A Study 2019 found that emotional eating – eating in response to negative emotions – is associated with depression and the development of obesity.

The researchers concluded that people with higher rates of emotional eating who slept less at night might have a higher risk of weight gain.

research suggests that increasing physical activity and sleep duration may help people reduce excessive intake of foods high in fat and sugar in response to negative emotions. This can help them regulate their weight.

When people find they lack the motivation to exercise, they can start with short, low-impact exercises like walking. People can consult a doctor for advice and to discuss an exercise program that may help.

If depression is affecting a person’s sleep or a person thinks antidepressants might be causing insomnia, a doctor may be able to suggest treatments or a change in medication.

People may also need to change their diet, reducing or increasing calories depending on whether they want to gain or lose weight. People may find it helpful to speak to a doctor or nutritionist who can help them create a customized eating plan.

If people need urgent help or need to speak to someone, they can call a helpline such as the SAMHSA hotline or call 988 to reach the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, which is available 24 hours a day.

Find out about foods that can help with depression.

Treatment and lifestyle changes can help people cope with depression and weight changes.

Losing weight can help improve symptoms in people with depression and obesity.

If people with depression worry they are losing weight, it can help to talk to a doctor about increasing their calorie intake and look for underlying causes.

A doctor can help people devise a treatment plan to combat depression and related weight changes. A doctor can also help people find a psychologist if needed.

Depression can lead to weight loss or weight gain. This can be due to changes in certain body systems, a side effect of medication, or mood swings affecting eating patterns and appetite.

If people with depression are having trouble controlling their weight, they can talk to a doctor about treatment options.

Treatment may include changing the type or dose of medication, an exercise program, and a diet plan.

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