Tower of Fantasy: How to use the chat

The chat system in tower of fantasy is essential for the game. It allows you to communicate with other players and can be used to ask for help, make friends, and even find people to trade with. Therefore, you must know how to use it.

How do I use chat in Tower of Fantasy?

To access chat, click on the “Chat” button in the lower left corner of the game screen.

This opens the chat window. You can type what you want to say and hit enter to send it.

You can also use some basic commands by typing a “/” followed by the command. Example: “/help” displays a list of all available chat commands.

Here are some of the most helpful chat commands:

/join – Join a specific chat channel. Example: “/join general” joins the general chat channel.

/leave – Leave the current chat channel.

/who – Displays a list of all players currently online.

/msg – Sends a private message to another player. Example: “/msg John Hey, how are you?” sends the message “Hey, how are you?” to the player John.

/ignore – Ignores all messages from a specific player. For example, /ignore John causes you to stop seeing messages from John.

/unignore – Removes a player from your ignore list.

/kick – Kicks a player from the current chat channel. Only chat moderators or admins can do this.

/ban – Bans a player from the current chat channel. Only chat moderators or admins can do this.

/clear – Clears the chat window.

These are just some of the most helpful chat commands. For a complete list of all available chat commands, type “/help” in the chat window.


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What are the advantages of using chat in Tower of Fantasy?

Tower of Fantasy: How to use the chat

There are many advantages to using Chat in tower of fantasy. Here are some of the most important:

It allows you to communicate with other players. You can

Ask other players for help.

Make friends with other players.

Find people to trade with.

It helps you keep up to date with what’s going on in the game.

What are the rules for using chat in Tower of Fantasy?

Here are the basic rules for using the chat in tower of fantasy:

Don’t spam. That means don’t send the same message repeatedly or post meaningless messages.

Don’t be rude or abusive. This includes, but is not limited to, racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of hate speech.

Don’t advertise. So do not post links to other websites or promote other games.

Follow the moderator’s instructions. If a chat moderator or admin asks you to do something, you should do it.

Remember, chat is an essential part of tower of fantasy, so take the time to learn how to use it. It will make your experience in the game much better.

Tower of Fantasy is available for PC, iOS and Android devices.

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