What is the Bastion Glitch & How to use it?

The start of surveillance 2 was far from stable as the game is riddled with server issues and bugs and the recent “Bastion Glitch” made the player’s experience even more miserable. For those who don’t know, the Bastion Glitch is a bug that allows Hero’s Bastion to spam their Ultimate Configuration: Artillery. By default, artillery can only fire three large AoE missiles at enemy targets. However, the Bastion Glitch breaks this limitation, allowing users to rain as many missiles on their enemies as they like. As a result of this Ultimate error one surveillance 2 is a significant advantage for one’s own party, but a devastating farce for members of the opposing team.

Using the Bastion glitch in Overwatch 2

Bastion Glitch allows players to spam Ultimate in Overwatch 2

Use the Bastion Glitch in surveillance 2, players must first activate Bastion’s Ultimate once it is fully charged. After activating Configuration: Artillery, the player camera switches to top view. Fire two missiles, but before you fire the last one, press the Attack and Ultimate buttons at the same time, which will cause the artillery to fire endlessly.


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Since its discovery, this broken error inside surveillance 2 was observed and experienced by many in the community. Those looking for gameplay footage that clearly depicts this error can refer to it YouTuber ports‘ channel showing how the bastion glitch can be used in the training area. First, this player charged his ultimate by defeating multiple training dummies. Next, they activated their ultimate, causing Bastion to transform into his immobile rocket launcher form. After firing the first two shots, they started spamming the left mouse button and the Q button (attack and ultimate) at the same time. The game will not register the third and final rocket launch, allowing an endless barrage from above to be unleashed.

While many players are probably excited to use the Bastion Glitch in their PvP matches in surveillance 2, it should be noted that this bug will likely be promptly patched by the developers. Furthermore, those who are planning to use this Ultimate bug to win games should be aware that their account could get penalties for exploiting bug. Although no one has been banned from this exploit, players should still use it at their own risk.


surveillance 2 is available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch.

Source: ports

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