How To Close The Generational Wealth Gap

Calvin Williams Jr. is Founder and CEO of Freeman Capital, an automated wealth management platform for private clients. Calvin aims to close the wealth gap in overlooked communities across the country by increasing access to financial planning, investment management and financial literacy.

Russ Alan Prince: Tell me about Freeman Capital.

Calvin Williams: Freeman Capital is the only black-owned automated wealth management platform registered by the SEC. We are a personal financial planning and wealth building platform for those traditionally ignored by the industry. Specific wealth-building measures have been restricted to only those with existing wealth, and we are focused on breaking that barrier and expanding access to wealth-building tools and strategies for all.

Under the guidance of certified financial planners, we provide clients of all income backgrounds with the financial building blocks to grow their cash flow and wealth, as well as their wealth. We offer a similar level of financial/investment advice and education that high net worth and high net worth wealth managers offer their clients, but at an affordable price. We’re dedicated to enforcing the concept that wealth is achievable, achievable, and achievable, regardless of income level or the size of one’s bank account.

prince: What steps has Freeman Capital taken to close America’s generational wealth gap for underserved individuals and families?

Williams: Freeman Capital offers a range of financial planning tools designed from the ground up for underserved communities. We help clients close the wealth gap by giving them guidance, security and confidence in step-by-step action plans to build wealth for the price of a cell phone bill.

We offer financial planning, investment management and insurance on a large scale. Vanguard says a financial advisor can increase a client’s wealth by 3% per year. 3% per year over 30 years doubles a person’s wealth. We mentor black-brown high earners who live from start to finish and empower them to build generational wealth through appropriate and holistic financial planning.

We provide comprehensive wealth management such as budgeting, cash flow and estate planning through our platform, helping to identify where individuals are on their wealth journey. Action items are tailored to the user’s individual needs and goals, and when the user completes them, three additional actions are added to their profile.

Based on these goals, we help clients leave a legacy by complementing their plans with estate planning, tax planning, insurance and investment advice. By making individual financial planning accessible and available to everyone, we have helped close these wealth gaps and will continue to help even more in the future. Freeman is not a traditional wealth management firm; We are providers for everyone and for every income level.

prince: How can the wealth management industry and HNW individuals more engage underserved investors and make a difference to close the wealth gap?

Williams: To be more inclusive as an industry, there needs to be more solutions built from the ground up and designed specifically for underserved communities. Their needs, problems and psychology differ from those of the traditional wealth management client, and attempting to apply traditional solutions to their unique problems will ultimately limit their potential for growth.

This is why our model of financial planning as a service is so successful. By offering individual advice from a company that understands your specific state of mind and finances, we demonstrate that prosperity is achievable, achievable and achievable. It has been proven that a key issue in wealth creation is access. Still, we see that the wealth gap persists even with increased access.

We believe the best way to make a difference is to make financial planning advice accessible. Anyone can invest, but not everyone has the luxury of financial planning advice. The best way for the industry and HNW individuals to get involved and make a difference would be to pay for subscriptions/services. This would help first time clients have an initial exposure to financial planning so they can see the benefits, incorporate it into their daily lives and eventually pass this knowledge down to their families.

RUSS ALAN PRINCE is Executive Director of Private Wealth Magazine ( and Chief Content Officer for High-Net-Worth Genius ( He advises family offices, wealthy, fast-moving entrepreneurs and selected professionals.

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