A guide to the best exercises and tools for a healthy lifestyle

SUMMER is the perfect time to focus on your fitness goals and Landjack’s latest exercise equipment can help you achieve a muscular, lean physique while improving your flexibility. Rather than just planning your meals, incorporating these summertime activity routines into your routine can help improve your quality of life, improve your health, and boost your confidence.

Discover the best exercises to kick start a healthy and active lifestyle with Landjack’s latest health and wellness products.

1. walking and jogging – Walking is a low-impact exercise that is perfect for beginners. It is effective for improving blood circulation and reducing the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes. Meanwhile, jogging or running is more intense and has a faster calorie burning effect, making it great for the heart.

The Landjack treadmill is an excellent option for those who don’t have much time for long walks or jogs. It features adjustable incline based on your fitness level and user-friendly features like preset programs and a powerful motor that reaches the speed needed to burn calories.

Landjack treadmill

2. cycling or cycling – Cycling is a great form of cardio exercise that can be done both indoors and outdoors. Biking outdoors is a great way to enjoy your exercise while improving your fitness and enjoying the scenery. Cycling is also an excellent cardio exercise as it helps burn fat and boost your metabolism. If you’re looking to up your cardio workout, Landjack’s indoor cycling gear is perfect for you. It has variable resistance that you can adjust, making it ideal for people of different fitness levels.

Landjack spinning bike

3. weight training – Strength training is an effective way to burn calories, tone your muscles and achieve your fitness goals. The Landjack dumbbells are ideal for strengthening and toning different parts of the body such as arms, legs, chest, back and core. They come in different weights so you can do different exercises depending on your fitness level. If you’re a beginner, you can start with kettlebells, which can help increase your strength and endurance. Dumbbells are also a popular choice for at-home workouts because of their versatility.

Landjack kettlebell

Stay active this summer and reach your fitness goals with Landjack’s latest exercise equipment. Whether you prefer walking, jogging, cycling or strength training, Landjack has the right gear for you. Find the ones you like and be consistent to see results.

Visit Wilcon Depot for exclusive access to Landjack’s health and wellness products and start improving the quality of your life today. Learn more by visiting www.wilcon.com.ph or following them on social media and subscribing to their Viber Community, LinkedIn and YouTube accounts.


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