Daniel Korski latest: Daisy Goodwin responds to Tory London mayor candidate’s denial of groping claims

Daisy Goodwin says women have contacted her with “interesting stories” after Korski allegations

Screenwriter and novelist Daisy Goodwin has responded to the “categorical” denial of her allegations that he groped her on the chest after meeting them at Downing Street.

Speaking to BBC Radio 4 Today After Ms Goodwin filed a formal complaint on Tuesday night, without which the Tory party had refused to investigate, Ms Goodwin said: “I could say, ‘He would say that, wouldn’t he?’

“If he had come forward and said, ‘Oh, I’m really sorry about that, I might have accidentally touched her,’ that would be a different story.” But the fact that he categorically denied it is bizarre to me.”

“An extraordinary development,” said Mr. Korski TalkTV that he briefed Tory leaders on the allegations during the mayoral election process well before they were unveiled on Monday. Ms Goodwin made the incident public in 2017 but did not name the name of former Prime Minister David Cameron’s former adviser at the time.

A campaign spokesman said on Wednesday: “Dan strongly denies any allegation of improper conduct. He welcomes any investigation and will fully cooperate.”


The Tories poked fun at the 0 days since last incident graph

Our political correspondent Archie Mitchell Reports:

The Labor Party has mocked the Conservatives over a social media graphic that reads ‘0 days since last incident’.

Tory headquarters have accused Labor of committing a “flop” by withdrawing a commitment to introduce rent controls. His Twitter account posted the graphic under a Independent Article.

But social media users were quick to link the “0 days since last incident” claim to the Conservative Party, which is currently dealing with the fallout from a sexual assault allegation against a London mayoral candidate.

The Labor Press account responded to the CCHQ post and suggested that the Tories would “pin” him, which would keep him at the top of the party profile permanently.

Andy GregoryJun 28, 2023 12:57 p.m


According to Chris Bryant, Rishi Sunak is “quite literally the worst person” to have guided Britain through the cost of living crisis

Rishi Sunak is “literally the worst person” leading the country through the cost-of-living crisis, said Labor MP Chris Bryant.

“The Prime Minister has now been in charge of the UK economy for 1,323 days and he has delivered,” the Labor MP began.

“It has created the largest national peacetime debt of all time, the largest tax burden since World War II, the highest core inflation since 1991, the fastest rise in interest rates since 1989 and the largest decline in living standards in our history.”

“So will he stop lecturing my constituents to ‘keep your cool,’ drop the lame excuses and admit that he is literally the worst person leading this country through a cost-of-living crisis?”

Chris Bryant says Rishi Sunak is “literally the worst person” running the country

Andy GregoryJune 28, 2023 12:42 p.m


Starmer surveys Sunak over 300,000 new homes

During the heated PMQ dispute over housing, Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer questioned whether Rishi Sunak “will actually meet his target of 300,000 new homes a year”.

The Labor leader told the House of Commons: “Can he point to a single person in housing, construction or anywhere else who believes he will actually meet his target of 300,000 new homes a year?”

The Prime Minister replied: “The record is that in the last three years we’ve built almost a record number of new houses in each of those years. He talks about targets, so let’s get one thing straight: I promised to put local people in control of new housing, and I implemented that policy within weeks of taking office as Prime Minister.

“But I’m confused … because at first the shadow communities and housing minister said communities should be in control, but then he said we should get the targets back and disempower local people?

“I want to give him some advice. I don’t think it’s the people on the ground that’s the problem, it’s Labor Party politics.”

Andy GregoryJune 28, 2023 12:30 p.m


Stephen Flynn calls Sunak a “nearly billionaire” and asks when he last had trouble paying a bill

Stephen Flynn calls Sunak a “nearly billionaire” and asks when he last had trouble paying a bill

Andy GregoryJune 28, 2023 12:28 p.m


Starmer accuses Sunak of taking a “gentle, gentle” approach to the mortgage “time bomb.”

Sir Keir Starmer has accused Rishi Sunak of taking a “soft, gentle” approach to the “Tory mortgage bombshell” by “gently urging the banks to do the right thing” while denying the PM’s claim that he was “100 percent on it,” ridiculed It.”

The Labor leader replied: “It’s ‘housing crisis, what crisis?’ with this prime minister,” adding, “He must be the only person in the country who thinks enough houses have been built in the last 13 years.”

Andy GregoryJune 28, 2023 12:27 p.m


Rishi Sunak has “given up,” claims Keir Starmer

One can tell from Rishi Sunak’s body language that he’s “given up,” claimed Sir Keir Starmer as the two clashed at PMQs over housing targets.

Claiming that a host of shadow ministers were “all opposed to more housing in their areas”, the Prime Minister countered the Labor leader by joking: “You don’t have to worry too much because he never really has a promise held.” made.”

Sir Keir replied: “You can tell by his response – not the response but his body language – that he has indeed given up. And its failure doesn’t just shatter the dream of those who desperately want to own their own home. It also affects those who actually have a mortgage.”

“How can they ever look the British people in the eye again and claim to be the homeowner’s party,” he continued, waiting for Mr Sunak’s reply to finish, then adding: “At least he’s not claiming that they’re the “We no longer own a home because we are,” exclaiming again, “He just gave it up.”

Andy GregoryJune 28, 2023 12:18 p.m


Watch Live: Rishi Sunak faces PMQs as conservative mayoral candidate Daniel Korski is accused of groping the TV producer

PMQs are now underway. You can watch Rishi Sunak live during his questioning The Independentwhile questions hung over his response to the groping allegations against Tory London mayoral candidate Daniel Korski:

Andy GregoryJun 28, 2023 11:53 am


Watch: Daniel Korski breaks his silence on tentative allegations

Daniel Korski breaks his silence on allegations by TV executive Daisy Goodwin

Andy GregoryJune 28, 2023 11:40 am


Daisy Goodwin could also lodge a complaint with the Tory party

Appears on BBC Radio 4 Today In a previous program, Daisy Goodwin did not rule out filing a complaint with Conservative Party headquarters.

She said: “I suppose I should complain to them because that’s what happened at Downing Street, but I’m also happy to complain to the Conservative Party.”

Andy GregoryJune 28, 2023 11:25 am


Journalist ‘not surprised’ Daisy Goodwin found it hard to complain

Our political correspondent Archie Mitchell Reports:

The journalist who shamed a Tory MP for calling her “totty” has backed Daisy Goodwin, calling her decision to appoint Mr Korski “very brave”.

Isabel Hardman, who reported the Tory MP’s “sexist” remark to the lashes at the time, said women who complained were not taken seriously.

And Ms Hardman said that when Ms Goodwin wrote in 2017 about being groped in Downing Street – without naming Mr Korski – her cleavage was “miraculously” pictured “all over the newspapers”.

“The suggestion was that because of her breast size, she might have asked for it,” Ms Hardman said. She told the BBC hour of the woman: “This is the kind of treatment she knew she would get if she brought it up again. So it’s very brave of her to do that.”

She added that she was “not surprised” that Ms Goodwin had found it difficult to complain given the victims faced a “bewildering mix of departments and individuals”, adding: “What shows is that it there is a reluctance to raise and deal with grievances.” a contemporary fad.”

Ms Hardman made her own complaint after meeting a Tory MP who said to her: “I want to talk to the sucker.”

And she said the news had sparked an “endless debate” about whether being called “Totty” was a compliment, while images of her body were used in the media to “suggest that I asked for it.” to be called Totty”.

“I don’t think I would do it again because it was a real pain to get so much attention,” she said.

Andy GregoryJune 28, 2023 11:09 am


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