How To Build A Skillset In I Was A Teenage Exocolonist

Knowledge is power, especially when colonizing an alien planet. And in I was a teenage exocolonist, learning new skills pays off significantly. For example, as you build your skillset, you’ll unlock new perks, facilities, jobs, activities, story paths, and more.

See also: I Was a Teenage Exocolonist: Tips for Beginners

Teenage Exocolonist’s skill system is straightforward. Skill Points are earned each month primarily through school/work activities. As your skills increase, so do your opportunities. However, while skill building opens some doors, it can close others, affecting your character’s life course. So you need to understand how to adapt this skill development to your playstyle.


Ways to earn skill points

Building skills are your main occupation in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist. Whether it’s making friends, going to school, or starting a new job, almost everything you do contributes to your skills. However, these methods are your main sources of skill points.

  • Map Challenges: Most of the card challenges come when you take on a work or school activity from month to month. However, you will also encounter multi-round story card challenges such as those seen in the Vertumnalia Festival competitions.
  • Story Events: Teenage Exocolonist features story scenes in which you must make crucial decisions that affect their outcomes. The results of your decisions affect what skills you learn from those experiences.
  • Friendships: As you build relationships with other characters, they will teach you their abilities. For example, spending a lot of time with Anemone increases your toughness, while spending time with Tang improves your reasoning.
  • Gear: Some gear grants significant skill boosts when equipped. However, these effects only last as long as you equip the gear, making these boosts temporary. Also, skill points from equipment do not contribute to your skill level.
  • Genetic Enhancements and Childhood Memories: When creating your character, you compile several childhood memories, such as B. Your favorite bedtime story, a childhood friend, and genetic enhancements. These choices build your foundational skills and determine what skills you want to learn.

List of skills and what they mean

The skills you can learn in I Was A Teenage Exocolonist fall into three main categories: Socially, mentally and physically. These abilities correspond to the suits you will encounter in card challenges.

However, each skill serves a specific purpose and unlocks new parts of the game. For example, toughness and Animals are both physical skills. But toughness is more beneficial for activities in the garrisonwhile knowledge of Animals serves better in geoponics. However, both skills prove useful during expeditions.

Here’s a list of all the skills you can learn and what they mean.

Social skills
empathy understand other people
conviction Charisma to command people and speak in public
creativity Artistic talent and ability to come up with new ideas
courage Courage in both social and dangerous situations
mental abilities
argumentation problem solving and general knowledge
Organize Dedication to cleanliness, management
mechanical engineering Studied machines, physics, mathematics and programming
biology Study of plants, biochemistry and the human body
physical skills
toughness Physical strength and endurance
perception Ability to find things and sneak past things
Battle tactics and weapons
Animals Familiarity with xenofauna, hunting, ranching

See also: I Was a Teenage Exocolonist: The Map Challenge System Explained

What happens when skills level up?

While you could spend your time in Vertumna becoming a jack of all trades, it might be worth more to become a master at one. Consistently devoting time and effort to certain skills will raise their level. In addition, you get a new benefit when one of your skills increases a level. These perks include, but are not limited to:

  • Power-Ups for Map Challenges: These perks grant special handicaps in card challenges. For example the Degree of hardness 1 Perk grants +1 to all red cards used in a physical challenge.
  • New facilities: These perks grant access to new facilities, such as Garrison Gym or the Quarter Spa.
  • Special Abilities: These perks grant special abilities. For example, Organization level 1 unlocks an additional gear slot. More advanced perks, such as Biology level 3you can add a second genetic improvement to your DNA.

Skills can reach up to three levels: level 1 at 33 points, level 2 at 66 pointsand level 3 at 100 points.

Which locations offer the best activities for each ability?

The places you spend your time will have a significant impact on your skills in Teenage Exocolonist. So if you want to master a specific skill, you should familiarize yourself with activities that promote that skill. And the more you learn about each facility, the better you understand what they do and the skills they can improve.

Below we have listed each facility and the skills that their activities cover.

This table is based on the information we gathered at the end of our first playthrough. But there are numerous jobs and activities to unlock in Teenage Exocolonist. And we have yet to uncover many of them. So consider this table as a general idea of ​​places to go when focusing on specific skills.

furnishings Covered Skills
command Organize, persuade, perceive
mechanical engineering Biology, reasoning, technique, creativity, persuasion, empathy
The garrison Bravery, Toughness, Combat, Animals, Perception
geoponics toughness, biology, organization, animals, empathy
The living quarters Creativity, Empathy, Courage
expeditions Bravery, Perception, Animals, Biology, Combat

Of course, there is a lot of information to include in the table above. So, as a rule of thumb, subscribe to these tips:

  • The Living Quarters, Command, and Engineering are best suited Yellow skills.
  • Engineering and geoponics are best suited for blue skills.
  • The garrison and expeditions are best suited red skills.

Next: Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Complete Guide to Abilities and Skills

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