How To Complete The Office Mission In Serial Cleaners

The InTech job could be Erin’s last mission serial cleaner, but Lati is also there. This pairing of characters offers unmatched maneuverability, but you must carefully choose who tackles each task.

See also: Serial Cleaners: Central Park Mission Guide

Since Erin is the focus of the mission, she will do most of the early work. However, if Lati comes on at the end, she’ll be able to complete the trickier areas of the office with relative ease, as long as Erin has laid the right foundations. Read on to find out how to make it happen!

middle floor

Start with Opening the vent that’s next to you as soon as you get off the elevator. Crawl through and open the grate on the other side and you’ll find yourself in a cabin. Use the computer on the desk to turn off the camera in the hallwaythen, when the patrolling guard is turned away from you, sneak into the office two doors south of your position.


One of the office windows is broken. Look for broken glass and crawl through the hole move along the outer edge of the building. Use this path to enter the locked room They stopped by on the way to the office. You’re perfectly safe here, so take your time to cleanse the blood envelop the body and throw it in the nearby garbage chute.

Take the square key and unlock the door, but don’t open it – this is only to give you a possible escape route in case you need one later. Instead, go back out the window and past the office you originally came through. On the south side of the building you will find another open window leading to a conference room.

When the near guard goes left, Clean the blood outside the conference room. Leave the door open so you can run back hide under the table if any guards become suspicious. Next, carefully collect the small piece of evidence in the middle of the cabin block. It’s out of camera range, but both patrolling guards will eventually keep an eye on it. At the same time, try to get the key out of the Cabin bottom left.

Stay crouched in this section to minimize your chances of being spotted.

The cameras make it difficult to move bodies out of the cabin block. They can be disabled from two places; The first is the computer you used before in the top right corner, and the second is in the storage room in the top left corner. The storage room requires the key from the cabin access. Hacking a camera gives you a 45 second window to take your chosen corpse to the garbage chute through the door you unlocked earlier.

The corpse on the right is easy to take to the landfill, but the one on the left (near the vending machines) is more difficult as it’s outdoors. Disabling the nearby camera is important, but you’re still likely to be walked over by a guard. Unscrew the nearby vent before you start work to give yourself a quick escape route.

Once the bodies and blood on the top floor are done, Hack the computer on the left side of the storage room to receive sensitive data about InTech’s plans. You can also save on the same computer whenever you are around.

See also: Serial Cleaners: Police Station Mission Guide


You can reach the lower level of the stage by taking the Stairs in the lower left corner, opposite the conference room, or one of the construction elevators on the ledges outside the building. The safest way is to take the elevator near the trash can as that’s where you can access it two grilles on the outside of the building you can unscrew that.

When you go down the stairs Immediately open the vent directly north of the body below. There’s a good chance the guard upstairs will hear you sucking blood, and if he comes down to check he might shove you right into the cop around the corner. The vent allows you to escape both, dropping you off in an unused storage room behind the floor’s only security camera.

The quickest way to get the corpse out of the building at the bottom of the stairs is to Bring it up carefully, through the conference room to the ledge and back to the spout. There are too many obstacles on the bottom level to just move there.

To get the evidence near the security camera, hide under the building materials in the middle of the room. If the cop is in the room to your right Crawl out and get evidence. You can also wipe up most of the blood and then get out before the cop sees you – if you’re worried about getting caught, Hack nearby speakers to cover up the sound of the vacuum.

See also: Series Cleaner: Subway Station Mission Guide

Upper floor

The roof of the building can be accessed via the construction elevator just outside the conference room window, or via the stairwell, which can be entered as an Erin by Open the vent north of the ground floor dump. Take the latter route as there is a key at the top of the stairwell that you can use Open the path that Lati can use.

Once the stairwell doors are unlocked, Switch to Lati at the main elevator. Throw the corpse into the stairwell, on which floor it is most convenient, to remove all obstacles in the way.

Once you’ve cleaned the middle and lower floors, go to the roof. From the stairwell it’s a pretty straight shot at both bodies and the pager you need to collect. The cops are easily distracted Marking of the roof edgesand Lati can jump over the air vents Easily dodge pursuers.

Drop both bodies at the bottom of the stairwell, then save at the starting point Move aside the device that is blocking the discharge chute on your right. If you’re having trouble getting the bodies from the stairs to the shaft, use any remaining tags you have to keep the cops busy. Alternatively you can Switch back to Erin and hack the camera or speakers to create a distraction.

When all main goals are achieved, Return to starting point. If you’re playing as Lati, switch to Erin and Hack the vulnerable device on the next cabin. Take the elevator to the lower floor and Escape through the nearby vent to complete the mission!

Next: Serial Cleaner: Brooklyn Bridge Mission Guide

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