How To Defeat The King Salmonid

Splatoon 3’s Salmon Run content has a new boss, a King Salmon named Cohozuna, which requires a lot of strategy to defeat in a 100 second time window.

turn 3‘s Salmon Run is full of different salmonids bossesbut none is as difficult as that king salmon known as Cohozuna. This massive salmonid is new to the Splatoon Series and comes as an additional wave after the third completes if a player has a full Salmometer. Its difficulty is well deserved as Cohozuna offers valuable Fish Scales to players who defeat it.

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However, defeat Cohozuna in turn 3 takes a lot of trouble. Each team member must be aware of how to dodge their massive attacks while still dealing enough damage before the timer runs out. The boss can be even harder than usual depending on the map, for example Cohozuna is hardest at high tide.


How to spawn the Salmonid King

The key to the appearance of the king is the salmon butterflies. This is a salmon-shaped gauge that players can see while hanging out in the Salmon Run lobby. It will gradually fill up with each playthrough of Salmon Run.

When it’s full, the next run will play as usual, but then have an extra wave after wave three. Another possibility for the boss to appear is when another player in co-op has this meter full.

How to fight cohozuna

The best way to damage Cohozuna is to actually use Eggs. The Cohozuna Wave gives players a special weapon that can Shoot golden eggs at Cohozuna. This means the player team has to fight other bosses, make them drop those eggs and use the eggs on cohozuna. If players attempt to defeat him with basic attacks alone, he will not die before the timer runs out. The timer gives only players 100 seconds to hit him.

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If players lose to Cohozuna, the first three completed waves are still counted as wins, and players are still rewarded with some scales based on how much HP Cohozuna has left when the timer runs out.

While players can regularly attack Cohozuna, Regular attacks do much less damage than shooting the eggs. To throw eggs, players still need ink. So Stock up on ink to throw eggs at Cohozuna. Included Players must stay away from Cohozuna. He sometimes attacks by jumping and kills players he lands on with one hit.

Cohozuna Rewards

Cohozuna rewards players with fish scales. They are available in Bronze, Silver, and Gold and can be traded in the Grizzco lobby area. That Rewards get better as a player’s rank increases at Grizzco. Fish scales can be exchanged for stickers, decorations, banners, and different colored work suits.

turn 3 is available for Nintendo Switch.

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