How to Dispose of Pumpkins the Right Way

How to dispose of pumpkins (Because you shouldn’t just throw them in the trash)

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Pumpkin carving season is upon us, and that lighted jack-o’-lantern you made is sure to look like a work of art… until it turns into a stinky pile of mush. Needless to say, pumpkins are perishable – and when it’s past its sell-by date, it makes sense to toss it in the trash, right? Well, it turns out that tossing old pumpkins in the rest of your trash might not be such a good idea after all. If you’re wondering after this revelation on how to properly dispose of pumpkins, we have a few eco-friendly suggestions to help you get rid of your pumpkin before it turns into something really spooky.

But first, here’s why you shouldn’t throw pumpkins in the trash

You already know lightbulbs, electronics, and batteries don’t belong in the trash… but pumpkins do? Yes, believe it or not, tossing a pumpkin in the trash is problematic for a number of reasons, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy tells us.

For starters, you’re contributing a significant amount of decomposing matter to your trash, and that’s a veritable holiday feast for insects and pests. Put it in the kitchen waste or outdoor trash can and it won’t be long before you have some unwanted visitors on your property.

But even if pests aren’t a particular problem in your area, mold can be found anywhere. If you’ve ever failed to timely dispose of a squash, you probably already know that once it’s past its prime, it’s the perfect breeding ground for fungus. What you may not have realized is that mold releases harmful spores that quickly spread through the air and water and onto any surface that comes in contact with it.

If you’re still not convinced that tossing a pumpkin in the trash is such a big deal, think of the massive amount of wasted potential. Decomposing squashes are a delicious meal for pests, but they’re also an incredible meal for wildlife and the soil itself. Therefore, giving them back to nature rather than sending them to a landfill is the greener option. Here’s how to do it.

1. Take it to a pumpkin smash event

Smashing pumpkins isn’t just for mean high school kids and fans of scary ’90s music; It is also a legitimate event hosted by many cities and towns across the country. Visit a local pumpkin smashing event and you’ll enjoy all the fun of destroying the sucker without having to deal with the aftermath as the authorities who organized the event are taking care of the mess. To find one near you, just type “pumpkin smashing + your city” into Google.

2. Compost the pumpkin

Pumpkins are biodegradable, which means they make great compost candidates. We probably don’t need to tell you that compost can really make a garden grow — and even if you don’t have a green thumb, many cities run composting programs that anyone can participate in, and community gardens will likely take your donated pumpkin and compost it for you. According to Waste Management, “Composting is a useful soil amendment that provides nutrients while helping to maintain soil moisture in arid climates. Plus, composting leftover food keeps them out of landfills, where they take up space and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas.” Note: You need to prepare your pumpkin for the compost heap by removing the stem and any seeds (if you haven’t already have done).

3. Bury it in the ground

Show your precious pumpkin that you care by giving it a proper burial. This disposal method is faster than composting and just as environmentally friendly. It’s also incredibly easy to make – just find a patch of fertile or semi-fertile soil, dig a hole, cover the pumpkin with soil and let nature do the rest. Again, unless you plan on growing your own pumpkin patch, you should remove the seeds first.

4. Leave it to the local wildlife

Pumpkin is a tasty fruit, and wild animals don’t mind if it’s a bit overripe. Therefore, another option is to cut the pumpkin into bite-sized pieces and scatter them in a nearby wilderness area. If you live in an urban environment, you can achieve the same thing by giving the pumpkin to a local zoo or animal shelter. (First, make sure they accept donations.)

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