How to fix NBA 2K23 MyCAREER freeze, Palace Intrigue/Courting Calloway bug solved
If you’re facing a frustrating freeze bug in NBA 2K23 MyCAREER, we may have good news as a fix has been identified.
Whether the culprit seems to be the palace intrigue or the quest for Courting Calloway, we have a solution if your NBA 2K23 MyCAREER is facing this error.
How to fix NBA MyCAREER freezing, unable to play next game
While NBA 2K23 MyCAREER has some great things coming up this year with exciting quests like It’s a Cole World, some players are struggling with one big bug.
We’ve actually experienced this in our own NBA 2K23 MyCAREER save and it seems to appear when trying to play your next NBA game, resulting in an entire game freeze.
Pressing buttons of any kind does not resolve the freeze, and forcing NBA 2K23 to close to reload MyCAREER also has no effect.
After trying a few different methods, we found one that worked and cleaned up our frozen MyCAREER save.
It seems like the issue here is related to the clothes your MyPLAYER wears and the freezing happening just before the pre-game fashion run.
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Palace Intrigue or Courting Calloway Quest Bug Solution
This bug was seen by players working on the quests “Palace Intrigue” and “The Court of Calloway” in The City, so it’s not clear who the culprit is.
We’ve spotted a few inventory items, as seen in the image below, that have plus signs indicating a token bonus, but the icon is missing, and some associated with previous quests may have triggered this.
Before attempting to play our next NBA game, we removed the following items:
- Outdoor Boots (Calloway’s Court – Matt)
- Flannel Shirt (Calloway’s Court – Alex)
- Black Leather Watch (Left Hand)
- Vintage sunglasses (ALR outfit)
- hot dog hat
We can’t confirm which of these items caused the issue, but the items from Calloway’s Court seem the most likely since they were received last.
If you’re encountering this error while you’re in the middle of the Courting Calloway or Palace Intrigue quests, we definitely recommend removing them all after restarting the game to see if that fixes the error.
For us, these distances prevented the game from freezing and allowed the save of MyCAREER to continue without issues.
Hopefully 2K will have an update with a more permanent fix soon, but hopefully this workaround will keep things in check until then.