How to get an orchid to rebloom in 6 easy steps
Knowing how to get an orchid to rebloom gives your plant the chance to put on a stunning display year after year. Unfortunately, while orchids are one of the most popular gifts for those with a green thumb, many recipients will give up the ghost once the flowers die, assuming the plant is done. But this is definitely not the case.
Not only can orchids bloom again, they can bloom again and again throughout the year and keep growing. Growing orchids couldn’t be easier either – just check out our guide how to care for an orchid. So there’s no excuse not to give your orchid some TLC; Do this and you will soon see it bloom again. How to get an orchid to bloom again.
How to get an orchid to rebloom
1. Cut off the old stem — First of all, as soon as the last flower has fallen, you should cut back the stem, even if it looks green and healthy. Most orchids will not flower more than once on the same stem, with the exception of the moth orchid or the phalaenopsis, so there’s no point in displaying a bare stem.
Using sterilized scissors or the best pruning shears, cut just above the first knot on the stem. Cut at a 45 degree angle to create the optimal surface – this allows for better water absorption and also allows water to drain from the cut when facing down. Remove and discard the stem, but save the stake and clips for your next bloom. While you’re here, feel free to remove any rotting leaves or roots as well – this will improve air circulation. Remember to re-disinfect your secateurs before storing them to prevent the spread of potential diseases.
2. Keep Pouring — While your orchid is now dormant, you should give it as much care and attention as you did before. Above all, however, you must avoid overwatering, which is easily possible with orchids. Excess water applied to the roots should be drained from the pot immediately to avoid rot. Applying water with a few ice cubes is an easy way to avoid overhydration. Water orchids once a week as a general guide – if you’re ever unsure you can always feel the top inches of soil with your finger to see if it’s dry.
If you have time, another method is to soak your orchids in lukewarm water for an hour. The water level should be up to the top of the pots, but not above. Be sure to clamp your orchids so they don’t tip over in the water when using this method. You can also add some fertilizer to the water to increase the effect. You should do this once a week in summer and every two weeks in winter for best results. When the time is up, allow the orchids to drain completely before putting them back in place.
3. Fertilize When Necessary — As soon as the flowers have fallen off, you should give your orchid a first rest period from its fertilizer. orchid happiness (opens in new tab) recommends fertilizing again as soon as you notice fresh growth (ie new leaves or roots).
Don’t overdo it, though, or you could do more harm than good. Follow the directions on your fertilizer for dosing — if none are listed, fertilize once a month with a diluted 25 percent strength solution. Also, avoid watering your orchids during the weeks that you fertilize them. For fertilizer, we recommend Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Orchid Food ($4.99, Amazon (opens in new tab)).
4. Find the best spot – This is one of the most important steps in encouraging new blooms. The problem is that the ideal environment is not easy to find. Your orchid not only needs a certain temperature, but also enough natural light. Orchids do best in temperatures around 75 degrees Fahrenheit and thrive in bright but indirect sunlight. Don’t place your orchid in direct sunlight or it will burn – if it must be in the sun, only expose it to the morning sun, which is weaker compared to the peak hours of the day. If you feel that your orchid’s current location is not sufficient, feel free to try other positions.
If you want to encourage fresh stems, you should also put your orchid in a cooler spot overnight. Aim for an environment that reaches 55-65 degrees Fahrenheit for orientation, but remember to return your orchid to its usual spot in the morning. This intense change in temperature restores the natural environment for your orchid, encouraging growth and fresh blooms.
5. Repot If Necessary — If your orchid has stopped flowering and is not stirring despite all of the above attempts, it may need to be repotted for a new shoot. Place it in a suitable sized transparent plastic pot; it is best to use this type of pot so the roots are exposed to the light as they would be in a natural habitat.
Don’t use regular soil – orchids will not survive due to the reduced airflow. We recommend a special orchid mix, such as B. Miracle-Gro Orchid Potting Mix ($5.79, Amazon (opens in new tab)). Wait a week before watering for the first time.
6. Have patience — Even if you follow all of the above instructions, sometimes orchids just need time to bloom. Depending on the species, orchids can bloom every 3 months or just once a year if conditions aren’t optimal. Either way, the display is so stunning it’s definitely worth the wait.
Adjust the conditions further if you feel things aren’t quite right – once you figure out what your orchid wants, the flowers will be blooming again in no time.
For more planting tips, tricks, and guides, check out Air Plant Care and Succulent Care. Also check out how to repot succulents, how to prune roses, and how to prune tomato plants.