How To Get Your Dream Job, According to an Expert

For a long time I pursued the idea of ​​finding my dream job and dream life – and changed my mind a a lot of along the way. Once I finally decided on something, figuring out how to get there was just as overwhelming. All I could find were tips on how to be efficient at work, set boundaries, and add value to your employer. And while all of this is vital to advancing our career, I was looking for concrete steps that would help me get closer to my dream.

I sat down with Paige Schmidt a Certified Women’s Life Coach with 10+ years of experience to share her top tips for advancing your career and life in a way that feels connected to the woman you want to be. She focuses on intuitive eating, mindset and financial coaching, and a fully aligned life. Believe me. You don’t want to miss this. So how do you get closer to your dream job and life? Let’s dive in.

1. Discover what you want

When you’re trying to figure out what your dream career is, you may focus on finding out your “purpose” or “passion.” They’re the buzzwords we’ve heard our entire lives, but finding them is a lot easier said than done.

Schmidt takes a simplified approach. She recommends moving the script. The words “purpose” and “passion” can feel daunting. What if we changed that? What if, instead of banging our heads against the wall, wereal life calling‘ did we instead focus on what makes sense and is fun? By replacing “purpose” with “meaningful” and “passion” with “fun,” we open up a whole new world to explore.

In this way we relieve the pressure we have put on ourselves to find what we should be doing. We take the pressure off to do it “right”. Instead we can explore what enlightens us. Ask yourself: what would you do for free? What would you do until 2 a.m. just because you want to? Then do that.

The proof is in the pudding. Paige Schmidt’s coaching business grew out of her love of blogging, which she discovered while studying nursing. Pursuing her joy of blogging and sharing, she began to network with women, and over time realized she wanted to do this more through one-on-one coaching.

2. Visualize what you want

It’s time to go one step further. Once you’ve depressurized and allowed yourself to explore, it’s time to visualize. Whether you’ve just discovered what enlightens you or you’ve known it all along, visualization is a key piece of the puzzle. According to Schmidt, one of the most important steps towards your dream career is imagining who you are as the woman you want to be.

Before becoming a coach and building her business, Schmidt envisioned what that would be like. She saw exactly the pens, computer case, and folders she would use for her clients. Then she went out and bought those things so that over time she could become the person she wanted to be.

So, grab a drink of your choice, settle in and immerse yourself in the world of your dreams. Get it with pen and paper detailed on what you want. What is your future self wearing? how does her hair look how is she doing Feeling? Write everything down. Let go of the judgment of others and yourself. (Remember: people will always judge no matter what you do.) Explore without limits.

After years of experience and the realization of her own visualization, Schmidt believes that the reality of what we can achieve is immensely greater than what we can see for ourselves. So dare to dream big. Remove your limits. If you need a start, check out this guide visualization which is one of Schmidt’s highest rated tools!

3. Become the manager of your future self

Once you’ve defined what you want your future to look like, it’s time to take serious action. You must make one selection to become the woman you want to be. And you must decide that you are capable of becoming her.

It’s not like you need to have all the answers to get started, but you do need to commit to finding out along the way. Once you commit to not giving up, you must be the manager of your future self. Do this by organizing and planning your days to set yourself up for success. So how do you go about it? Here are the steps Paige Schmidt took on her own journey and what she coaches clients on today:

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1. Write a list of what you need to do.

For Schmidt, that list included the exact pens and folders she needed, as well as the first steps she needed to take to make her dream come true. It doesn’t have to be incredibly detailed. In fact, one of the biggest hurdles she sees in clients is that they feel like they need to know every single one detail to begin. Write down the first three things you need to do. Then add three more next week. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

2. Add the list to your calendar.

It’s important to physically add these items regardless of the form of organization you use. We all know how easy it is to lose tasks when they are not our main source of income or part of our normal routine. So plan ahead – even if it’s only 15 minutes a week!

3. Take these commitments seriously.

Just like she wouldn’t leave a boyfriend or show up on a work day, Schmidt honored herself by prioritizing what she wanted. Don’t let yourself down by not prioritizing these tasks. Take your time and stick to it.

4. Prioritize more of these commitments over time as you learn to lighten your schedule.

Give your future self the time you deserve. Schmidt initially devoted three hours a week to coaching. As she felt more comfortable and could have more time off, it became two days, then three, and so on. It doesn’t have to be all at once. Take one bite at a time.

5. Keep your income from your “normal” job – and find the good in it!

Sometimes when there is pressure to make your dream career your only income, the creativity that comes from doing what enlightens you can be lost. If possible, it is important to receive income from other sources while pursuing your dream or applying for your dream job. This will relieve some of that pressure and allow you to see where your creativity is taking you.

Equally important is finding gratitude in your daily work as you build what you ultimately want. Many of us easily lose sight of the “good” in our job when we know we want something different. But not being engaged creates clutter in your life, and sooner or later your job will feel like a burden. This can generate negative energy that is not good for your creativity! In order to remain professionally involved, Schmidt recommends finding just one thing that you enjoy or that will help you in your future. Then lean in as far as you can to find that gratitude.

4. As cheesy as it sounds, believe in yourself

Undoubtedly, the biggest thing Schmidt sees holding women back is their confidence. You have to believe that you can become the woman you want to be and take small steps towards your dream career. In other words, you must present yourself as her as often as possible today.

It’s easy to see people on social media or elsewhere who have had your dream career or other careers telling you there is one one perfect way to do it. But the truth is, there is no right or wrong way. As long as you’re moving into what you want, that’s all that matters.

You must learn to trust your inner self and follow what you want. When Schmidt started, coaching was not a “normal” career. It wasn’t easy to give up nursing to venture into the unknown. But she did it, and so can you.

5. Bring everything together

When you are ready to take the next step and at last Go for what you want, or explore what that is, one step at a time.

  1. Discover what enlightens you.
  2. Visualize who you want to be.
  3. Become the manager of your future self.
  4. Trust yourself and stay grateful.

Not sure where to start? Grab a cup of coffee (or wine) and check out Paige Schmidt’s Free visualization to see where your imagination takes you. And remember, go for what makes you feel burning. Keep walking until you get there. Be imaginative and find out along the way!

How I made the leap from full-time to freelance without going broke

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