How To Hack Devices As Gavin In Sunday Gold

Gavin’s Hack3rboy device in Sunday Gold makes decryption a breeze, but you still need to use some logical guesswork to hack Hogan’s systems.

Gavin Dorsey is the crew’s technical specialist sunday gold. Using his homemade Hack3rboy device, he can crack just about any encryption, giving you access to information Hogan chooses to keep private. Like Frank and Sally, Gavin has a unique mini-game dedicated to using this signature ability.

See also: Sunday Gold: Prologue Walkthrough

While his companions’ mini-games focus on precision and timing, Gavin’s mini-games are all about logic and reasoning. If you’re having trouble cracking an important device, follow the steps in this guide to almost always find the right solution. If you run out of rates, you’ll only lose a few AP, so you can try again as many times as you need to.


Hacking Overview

Gavin’s hacking interface plays like the classic logic game thought leader. To win you have to Guess the correct four-digit code. Each time you guess, you’ll see a series of symbols telling you how close you came:

  • Everyone Circle means that one of your entries was the right digit in the right place.
  • Everyone triangle means that one of your entries was the correct digit, but in the wrong position.
  • Everyone square means that one of your entries was a digit that is not in the correct order at all.

The icons are technically color-coded, but if Gavin’s composure is low The colors change quicklyso it’s best to just stick to the forms alone.

Note the position of the symbols does not indicate which digit each refers to. The only information you have is how many digits were correct. If you enter the correct code before you run out of guesswork, the hack will succeed.

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How to guess the code

Luckily, you don’t always have to guess the code from the digits on an entire keyboard. Only the highlighted keys on the Hack3rboy are used in every puzzle. However, just because a key is highlighted doesn’t mean its digit is actually in the solution!

Begin each puzzle by typing the exactly the same number four times; “1111”, “2222”, “3333” and so on. This tells you immediately how often this number is present. Do the same for each available number until you know how many of each digit are in the solution.

For example, in the image above, we started with “2222”. This shows us that there are no twos anywhere in the episode. Next we try “5555” and find that there are two matches. This means the sequence must pass since six is ​​the only other digit available two fives and two sixes!

Next, start typing combinations of the known numbers. To continue the example, we enter “5656”. Two of these digits are correctly placed, but two are not. If we swap two digits while leaving the others unchanged, we should get more information.

We try to swap the last two digits, enter “5665” and we are lucky – this is the right code! If that didn’t work, we could have kept experimenting with different combinations of numbers until we found the solution – maybe “6556” or “6565” to see what else we could learn. By quickly eliminating wrong digits and giving yourself more room to guess plausible combinations, you can easily win most of Sunday Gold’s hacking mini-games.

Next: Best Hacking & Surveillance Games, Ranked

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