How to Know When It’s Time to Say Goodbye to a Pet

Golden retriever

If you are increasingly concerned about the condition of your pet, many veterinarians recommend consulting the quality of life scale. It was developed by veterinarian Alice Villalobos and you simply rank your pet in seven different areas with a score from 0 to 10 (0 being the worst):

  • pain
  • hunger
  • hydration
  • hygiene
  • happiness
  • mobility
  • more good days than bad

If their total score is 35 or more, they probably have an acceptable quality of life. Anything lower could mean it’s time to talk to your vet.

When you have to let your pet go, you often wonder if you’re making the right choice.

“The decision is often accompanied by shame and guilt,” says Linda Simon, a member of Pawleaks’ veterinary advisory team, in an email. “However, we should think of euthanasia as a ‘last kindness’, something we can offer our pet to help prevent it [their] Suffer. Although it can feel strange to make an appointment for this, I always tell my clients that it’s better to say goodbye a day early than a day late.”

The actual process is usually very peaceful for a pet and can even be a relief under certain circumstances.

Some vets offer the services in your home, but almost all vets offer end-of-life pet services in their clinics. If you decide to go to your vet’s clinic, they may have a special area or funeral room for your family.

“Your pet is immediately placed in an exam room and made as comfortable as possible,” says Megan Conrad, a board-certified veterinarian who lives in Oregon and works as a member of Hello Ralphie, a telemedicine company that provides virtual care to parents of pets around the world offers US “Depending on your pet’s medical condition and discomfort, the veterinarian may start by giving him a mild sedative.”

Usually you have plenty of time to make love to your pet while gently relaxing. Then, while you pet him and give him words of affection, your vet will give him one final injection, “which is basically an overdose of a sedative,” says Conrad. “It slows the heart down until it stops.” He feels no pain.

You should be prepared to either take your pet home for burial or to ask the vet for recommendations on cremation or burial services. Most veterinarians will also keep a lock of hair from your pet or make an imprint of their footprint for your memory.

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