How to Ledge Hang in Modern Warfare 2

Do you want to know how to Ledge Hang in Modern warfare 2? Modern warfare 2 is a first-person shooter video game that is developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. It is the sequel to the 2007 game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and was released on October 25, 20019. The game has sold over 22 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling games of all time. Ledge hanging is a technique that allows you to stay alive in certain situations where you would normally die. It can be used to avoid gunshots, explosions, and even falling off ledges. These instructions will show you how to hang the shelf Modern Warfare 2.

How to hang Ledge in Modern Warfare 2?

hang in strips Modern warfare 2you must first find a ledge to hold on to, e.g. B. a balcony, a window sill or another edge.

  1. Once you find a ledge, approach it and when the prompt appears, jump without stopping. This can be done either by pressing “X” on PlayStation, “A” on Xbox, or “Spacebar” on PC.
  2. You’ll see the prompt where instead of a jump arrow, you’ll see the silhouette of a person hanging from a ledge, indicating when you can jump to Ledge Hang.
  3. Hold the direction you want to go and let go when you want to let go.

Ledge Hang can climb or fall off ledges quickly and quietly. It is a helpful tool for navigation and stealth. So if you ever find yourself in it Modern warfare 2 and need a quick way to get around, consider trying Ledge Hang.


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Tips and tricks of Ledge Hang in Modern Warfare 2

How to Hang Ledge in Modern Warfare 2

There are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when mounting ledges Modern warfare 2:

  • The first tip is to hold “Shift” on PC or “R2/RT” on PlayStation/Xbox while Ledge Hanging moves faster.
  • On the other hand, you can also use Ledge Hang to drop down and quietly take out enemies from above. To do this, approach the edge of a ledge above an enemy and press “X” on PlayStation, “A” on Xbox, or “Spacebar” on PC when prompted. They will then automatically fall down and take out the enemy. This can be useful for taking out enemies without being detected.
  • Finally, you can also use Ledge Hang to climb ledges. This can be useful for reaching high places that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to reach. You can do this the same way you did with Ledge Hang to fall down. You will then automatically climb up the ledge. Climbing ledges can help reach vantage points and quickly forget to hide.

Keep these tips and tricks in mind next time you play Modern warfare 2 and use Ledge Hang to your advantage.

With these tips and tricks, you should be able to use Ledge Hang to your advantage Modern warfare 2. So remember to give it a try next time you play the game.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Remake will be released on October 28th, 2022 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC via Steam and

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