How to raise friendship levels fast – Disney Dreamlight Valley

Here’s a beginner’s guide on how to cultivate friendships (and fast) in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

There are many different ways to approach Disney Dreamlight Valley, but players will quickly find that nothing gets them there faster than making friends. Your friends are your power in this game as they will help you find more supplies, open new quests and also help you improve yourself. So how do you go about improving friendships? Let’s take a look.

How to Increase Friendship Levels Fast – Disney Dreamlight Valley

There are different ways to increase the friendship level with the different characters of Disney Dreamlight Valley. Luckily for players, all of these methods are relatively easy.

1. Complete your friends’ quests

Complete a quest for Merlin in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Source: Shack News

This should almost go without saying, but your friends will have their own specific quest lines that they need help with. Help them and complete all the quests you can. You will get a big friendship boost once the quest is completed.

Note that this may not always be the most efficient option, as you may be low on money or supplies, or need to complete a different quest line to advance. There is no time limit on quests, so don’t worry if you can’t get something done right away. Once you have everything you need to complete an active quest, it’s a good idea to get back to it as soon as possible because it can give you a big boost.

2. Chat with your friends

Have a daily conversation with Scrooge McDuck in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Source: Shack News

Spend less time worrying about “Who are your friends?” and ask more time”As are your friends?”

At least once a day you can talk to all of the village’s characters and you’ll be encouraged to make small talk with them, even a choice as simple as “Do you have a question?” Make sure you always select this and just chat with your friends. They’ll delight you with anecdotes about their day, tell you a bit about their history, and even drop a few references aimed at die-hard Disney fans.

This simple action will greatly increase your friendship level, and a few days of casual conversation can go a long way in improving that specific bond and leading you to your next quest with that character.

3. Meet up with a friend

Fishing with Goofy in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Source: Shack News

Here’s another simple action that can go a long way. Talk to any character in the village and select the “Let’s Hang Out!” button. Possibility. This character will then accompany you wherever you go. Spend around 10-15 minutes with this character and he will be grateful that you are thinking of him and your friendship level with him will increase.

Hanging out with friends can also have a dual purpose. Once you start leveling up Friendships, you’ll be asked what perk you want to level up, be it Gathering, Fishing, Digging, Harvesting, or Cooking. If you hang out with that friend and engage in this boosted activity, you can pick up some extra items or rewards.

4. Give your friend a gift

Giving Goofy a grilled eel in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Source: Shack News

Everyone loves gifts! The villagers are no different. When you talk to someone in the village you will see the option “I have something to give you!”. Select this option and you’ll have the option to give your friend something, whether it’s a flower, a gem, or a piece of food. Depending on what you give them, your friendship level will increase little or significantly.

Characters have favorite items that change almost daily. More often than not, at least one of these favorites is a simple item. It can be a gem that you can easily mine from a mineral deposit, a flower that you can pick in front of your house, or a fruit that you can pick from a tree. In other cases, it can be more complex things, such as B. cooked dishes. Regardless, give a friend one of their favorite items and your friendship level will increase by a significant amount.

5. Serve them their favorite dish at Chez Remy

Serve Donald Duck a bowl of chowder in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Source: Shack News

This one can help you level up a friendship quickly, but you’ll need to put in some work first. Before this option is even available, you must open the lock and complete the Ratatouille Empire. Once Remy moves into the village, you’ll need to get Chez Remy up and running. Once Chez Remy opens its doors, you’ll see characters coming to eat regularly. It could be Goofy looking for a late night meal, later it will be Mickey and Donald having lunch and chatting about what they’ve been up to, and sometimes you’ll even see someone like Moana or Maui sitting down to an empty one Stomach. What they all have in common is that they all ask for a specific dish.

In most cases, no one will ask for a dish that doesn’t have a recipe. Once you have the recipe, the next challenge is making sure you have the ingredients. Sometimes you’re lucky and a customer asks for something as simple as a hearty salad. Other times, you’ll see a request for something like a bouillabaisse that requires specific seafood. However, the challenge is worth it, because if you prepare this dish and give it to that particular customer, your friendship level with him will increase significantly.

Friendship level with Donald Duck increases in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Source: Shack News

Be sure to keep an eye on the menu to see who’s waiting for a meal at Chez Remy. It’s worth helping them. Likewise, it pays to set aside enough money to upgrade Chez Remy as soon as possible. The more customers the restaurant can accommodate, the faster you can improve your relationships with those customers.

This is a quick guide on how to quickly increase your friendship levels in Disney Dreamlight Valley. This is important to keep in mind as more characters move into the village. We’ll continue to monitor the development of this game, so be sure to follow the Disney Dreamlight Valley Themes page for the latest news and guides.


Ozzie has been playing video games since he picked up his first NES controller at the age of 5. He has since taken an interest in gaming, but only briefly retired during his college days. But he was retired after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping push the Guitar Hero series forward at its peak. Ozzie has become a huge fan of platform games, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge fan of anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. After all, what are video games if you can’t enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

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