How to Reduce Your Screen Time Without Apps, According to Reddit

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There is loads of features which help to report your screen time but just like knowing how often you Exceed volume recommendations, knowledge is not really enough. Here are some tips from Redditors on how to reduce the time you spend on your phone without having to download more apps.

Split your phone usage into necessary and unnecessary time

The first thing you should do is take stock of how you use your phone. Eventually, phones replaced notepads, newspapers, and almost every other form of personal and professional communication. Maybe you really are more Be more productive during your long hours at the device and when you realize that it can help you feel less guilty.

A Reddit user said, “What you really need to reduce isn’t screen time, it’s time wasted on unproductive bullshit on your phone.” Your phone likely comes with a pre-installed screen time tracker, which should break down your usage per app. Go through the list and pull out anything you find wasteful, but remember that even social media can be informative and helpful depending on your appetite for current events and your job description.

The same user suggested removing notifications for “all but the most important apps” and uninstalling games or social media apps that don’t serve your productivity. Figuring out which apps need to be restricted is the first step, and then working on actually reducing them (or removing them altogether) is the next.

Keep your phone away (although it’s harder than it sounds)

You can enable “limits” on apps with your phone itself, but you can easy bypass them whenever you want. Instead, try to keep your phone away from you. “If you do something elseeat, read, watch tv, talk to friends, study, workPut your phone out of reach. When I’m working on something that needs my most attention, I put my phone in another room,‘ said the same user.

Practice this physical, mindful activity, and don’t get discouraged if it takes you a while to stop going to the other room to check your notifications. This tip also goes well beyond the Redditverse: Scripps recommends Not eating in front of a screen, and to hold her from your bedroom—especially at bedtime.

It might be helpful to have something else to keep you occupied while you eat or lounge around, so try a book or other chores you need to do that aren’t necessary your phone. Another user suggested, “You could try to identify behavior patterns that make you spend time on the phone, for example after breakfast I always sit in this one chair and spend a lot of time playing around on Reddit. Then you could try to break this pattern by, for example, going for a walk or doing something else while normally sitting on your phone.”

Make your phone less appealing

A user suggested the same advice we gave years ago: turn up your display greyscale. If looking at your phone isn’t fun, you might not be as attracted to it. take it a step further by getting rid of any chill Backgrounds, fun fonts or responsive widgets. Make everything as easy as possible So You get the information you need without that additional eye candy to suck you in

Another user suggested Get an older model phone cheap and effective to cut down on all the apps you can use. You can still use Spotify and send texts, but it’s getting harder to install updated versions of most apps. That means you confine most of your technology-enhanced productivity to your computer, yes, but you will only use your computer when you’re at work or at the times you set at home. One user called this “delayed gratitude” and said they look forward to the times when they engage in technology rather than just whipping out their phones when they get the urge.

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