How to Shake the ‘October Blues’ and Rediscover the Joy in Teaching

Not just you: October is known to be the toughest month of the year for teachers.

Teachers start the school year with a “feel of possibility” and renewed energy from the summer, said Roxanna Elden, author and former teacher. But as the weeks go by, some of their best ideas and plans fall by the wayside. Work piles up and they don’t get enough sleep. Class leadership can become a major source of stress.

“And then you have a moment in your class that feels like your guilt, you feel like a terrible teacher, … and then you still face the rest of the year,” said Elden, who now writes a weekly newsletter for teachers and offers confidential “consultation hours” one-to-one sessions.

Ellen Moir, founder of the New Teacher Center, a nonprofit dedicated to strengthening the practice of prospective teachers, has described the period between mid-October and Thanksgiving as a “disenchantment period.”‘ of the school year. It’s when teachers’ morale plummets when they find things aren’t going as smoothly as they had hoped.

This time of year is particularly challenging for new teachers – but it can also be stressful for experienced teachers, especially as schools continue to emerge from the pandemic.

“It’s a very, very long way while you’re tired,” said Elden. “[You’re] If you hit the wall, you’ll barely make it through the week, and there are only endless weeks [of the school year] before you.”

Teacher stress in general has increased since before the pandemic, and a nationally representative survey conducted in early 2022 found that teacher job satisfaction appears to be at an all-time low. Teachers say they struggle with above-average workloads due to staff shortages, students are unmotivated or misbehaving, and political pressure has affected their ability to do their work.

In a nationwide representative survey from 31.08. until 15.09. the research center EdWeek asked more than 1,000 teachers for their tips on how to rediscover the joy of teaching. Their responses ranged from setting professional boundaries to collaborating with colleagues to focusing on the students.

As for Elden, their advice is threefold:

  • Keep perspective and know you are not alone.
  • Take some time on the weekends to think strategically about one thing that can make a difference the following week.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep.

Teachers can think, “‘You should work harder—if you don’t, you don’t care about your students,'” Elden said. But “getting enough sleep is one of the most important things that keeps you fit to be in a classroom with a child.”

Here’s some top advice from other teachers to shake off the doldrums and remember the good parts of teaching. EdWeek Research Center survey responses have been edited slightly.

Shake up your routine

“You have to get out of the rut of planning with the same plan [or] book every year. Yes, teach the same lesson/standard, but find new ways to teach it. In addition, you get a new, “fresh” setting every fall. You need that cheerful teacher. They need that [teacher] who once loved the job more than feared it,” said an elementary school English/language arts teacher.

Another elementary school teacher suggested taking on a different type of job: “Find or create a passion project. The kind you would dream of as a light-eyed college student daydreaming about his classroom. It can be a writing club, book club, community project, etc. Talk to your boss about it. It makes you look good, makes teaching feel more like what you envisioned and gives you something to look forward to.”

Several teachers—and Elden—suggested changing grades or subjects after a few years if the school year gets monotonous. But even if you can’t make a big change, each year can hold some surprises, the teachers said.

“It’s new every day and every year,” said a high school teacher. “Have fun reflecting and adjusting your teaching and the new students you need to reach and support.”

Set limits and stick to them

“Do not answer emails after signing the contract. Don’t spend your own money – not a dime. Never give out your private phone number. In short, you have the limits of a professional to gain the respect that a professional deserves,” said a high school ELA teacher.

One high school foreign language teacher emphasized “learning that we can’t do everything and allowing ourselves to accept that some things just can’t happen anymore.”

A middle school science teacher said, “Learn to say no to management when they keep asking you to do more. Focus on your teaching and what you were hired to do.”

And several teachers stressed the importance of self-care, in whatever form it works best.

“Get up early to have a quiet time,” said an elementary school teacher. “It doesn’t matter whether it’s for sports, reading, going for a walk or just for vegetarian television. Try to have that quiet time every day.”

Focus on the joy of learning

The teachers said they get joy when they see students making a connection or making a discovery. A 1st grade teacher spoke of “the moment when students discover something other than the world within”.

An elementary school teacher said: “Observe the progress from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. We do this for the children and their growth makes it all worthwhile.”

“Try to focus on the one kid who really needs help,” said another elementary school teacher.

And several teachers recommended focusing on day-to-day study rather than the high-stakes exams.

“Take the time to get to know your students. Create activities where students work together in small groups. Walk around the classroom and watch their questions and answer them,” said an elementary school teacher. “Don’t obsess over state tests and district evaluations. Find out what interests and interests your students. The rest will come.”

Work together with your colleagues

“Find peers who are supportive and willing to help you rediscover your passion for teaching,” said one elementary school teacher.

Professional learning communities can be a good source of energy, the teachers said, as can professional development — as long as it’s useful. One high school ELA teacher said that “meaningful PD with like-minded professionals — PD I choose” can be a rejuvenating spark.

A high school fine arts teacher said, “Even if you’ve been in the field for a long time, spend time watching other master teachers.”

An elementary school teacher advised educators to find like-minded people and “hold on tight for a wild ride. Make sure you share with them outside of school so you have more in common than just work.”

Embrace humor

“Find humor in everyday life,” advised one special education teacher. One elementary school teacher said, “Find a way to laugh with your students every day.”

And teachers urged their peers to take some time to fool around and be silly with their students to build strong relationships and bring some joy to school days.

“Be in the moment with your students,” said an elementary school teacher. “Every day for five to ten minutes fooling around together, singing, sharing, learning something new. Start each day with a five-minute mindfulness meditation. Challenge them to compete with you in something stupid. Remember that most children need you to see them. They do the best they can with what they are given. If it’s not good, then give them more tools.”

“Remember Your Why”

Above all, the teachers said, remember why you came to teach. For most teachers, it’s the students and the love of learning.

“The children ARE the joy of teaching. Be reminded every day why you do what you do. If we ignore the bureaucracy and focus our work on the children, the problems become less daunting,” said a high school ELA teacher.

Another high school ELA teacher recommended that teachers reconnect with their former students to remember the impact they are having. And several teachers said they try to find at least one positive thing every school day.

“Pay attention to the little things — they’re there,” said an elementary school special education teacher. “That face a student makes when a concept finally works. The first hug you got from a student who was having trouble connecting.”

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