How to Stop Seeing Instagram Posts You Don’t Want Suggested

Instagram made significant changes to its algorithm in 2022, some of which angered users. That’s why hundreds of thousands of creators signed an online petition in July of that year to “make Instagram Instagram again.”

One of the biggest concerns was that Instagram shows a lot of content from people you don’t know or follow. But there are ways to get around that.

In this article, we’ll show you four ways to remove Instagram post suggestions and avoid other posts you don’t want to see, so you don’t feel like you’re on the Explore page while casually flipping through your feed . Let’s start.

1. Temporarily put Post suggestions on hold

This is probably the most effective solution, albeit temporarily. On Instagram, you can defer post suggestions for 30 days. It gives you peace for a short time.

Snoozing Instagram post suggestions is quick because you can do it instantly in the feed when you come across a post suggestion. How to get started:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your phone.
  2. Scroll through your Instagram feed until you see a suggested post. You’ll know it’s a suggested post because it’s marked as such, or the reason for showing the post right above it.
  3. Tap the Three point menu in the top right corner of the post.
  4. Select the Not interested option on the list.
  5. Beat Reschedule all suggested posts in the feed for 30 dayss.
  6. Instagram now confirms that post suggestions will be hidden for 30 days

Repeat this process if you see Post suggestions again after the 30-day pause is over.

2. Hide post suggestions related to a specific profile

Instagram will show you suggested posts based on what you might like. For example, it shows you posts from accounts that are similar to the accounts you follow. If you’re not sure why you’re seeing a specific post suggestion, you can find out where Instagram got the keyword from. All you have to do is go to the post office Three-Dot Menu > Why You’re Seeing This Post.

If you don’t want to see more suggestions from the creator of a post you came across, you can let Instagram know.

  1. Tap the post Three point menu in the top right corner of the post.
  2. Select the Not interested option on the list.
  3. Beat Do not suggest posts by [creator’s name].

You’ll need to do this for each creator whose posts you don’t want to receive suggestions for in your feed. It’s a tedious process, but it’s worth the effort to stop stumbling over posts from creators you don’t like.

3. Go to your “Favorites” or “Following” feeds

In March 2022, Instagram introduced a solution for those who want to see content from their favorite creators and friends when they open the app – the Favorites and Following feeds.

All you have to do is go to the Favorites or Episodes feed on Instagram to see familiar faces and keep up with what your favorites are up to. That way, no matter how Instagram’s algorithm changes, you can always see posts from people who matter.

Just note that you’ll have to manually switch to your favorite feed every time you open the Instagram app.

4. Use Instagram for the web

Okay, we know you probably aren’t interested in using Instagram on your computer, but if there was ever a reason, this is it. Instagram’s web platform doesn’t show you any suggested posts, so the feed is pretty basic.

It also allows you to catch up on the posts of your friends and favorite creators in a short amount of time. This eliminates the need to go to the Favorites and Follows feeds.

There are several features that differentiate Instagram’s web platform from the mobile app. Consider using it from time to time to take a break from all the clutter on Instagram’s mobile app.

Get rid of unfamiliar faces on Instagram

Instagram is increasingly showing you posts from people you don’t know in hopes you’ll like it, but its predictions can be wrong. Luckily, you can use the steps outlined in this article to stop seeing Instagram posts you’re not interested in and creators you don’t resonate with.

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