How to take your garden and yard back from the mosquitoes

Life brings with it many little annoyances, few less or more annoying than mosquitoes. Almost everyone who spends time outdoors will at some point be bothered by the blood-sucking party mouths.

While avoiding mosquitoes may seem difficult, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce or eliminate them from your yard and garden. The best control is prevention.

Except for those who live near a lake, marsh, or swamp — or in densely populated neighborhoods — most of the blame for mosquito invasions usually falls on the residents of the property. Mosquitoes only need half an inch of water to reproduce – and a female can lay hundreds of eggs at a time.

Check your property for standing water. Even the most industrious among us are likely to find water pooled in a child’s playset, a tire, a clogged gutter, a trivet, a fallen trash can lid, or a flying toy disc. Drain water as you see it, even if the amount seems insignificant, and make drainage holes in the bottom of ships like tire swings.

For water that is intended to be stagnant, such as in ponds and bird baths, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) is a safe and effective way to kill mosquito larvae. Several Bt strains are available, each targeting different insects. So be sure to buy the israelensis strain to attack mosquitoes. The product is also effective against black flies and fungus gnats.

Bti comes in a variety of forms, including donut-shaped briquettes known as “mosquito dunks.” The floating rings provide 30 days of protection and “do not harm humans, pets and other animals, aquatic life, or other insects, including honey bees,” according to the CDC.

If you don’t have a pond or birdbath, you can build a DIY mosquito trap: Put a handful of straw, hay, or grass clippings in a (preferably dark) bucket filled with water and leave for 1- 2 days. Then add a mosquito dunk. If there is a large infestation, place several buckets in the garden. The decomposing organic matter attracts the insects that lay eggs on the treated water. Replace the water and add a fresh dunk every 30 days to thwart future generations of mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes also like to hide between weeds and overgrown vegetation. Keep the yard clean.

Running a standing or box fan at high speed will greatly reduce mosquito activity on your porch, deck or patio. It works by literally blowing the bugs away and dispersing our exhaled carbon dioxide that they would otherwise be attracted to. You will also stay cooler.

Avoid using insecticidal foggers or sprays, which threaten important pollinators and other beneficial insects while controlling only a small portion of the adult mosquito population. In addition, such applications would have to be repeated several times per season.

So-called “mosquito plants” and other plants marketed as repellents actually contain oils or chemicals that the insects don’t find attractive. But they are not effective unless these compounds are released, such as by crushing the leaves. Having such a plant only in the garden or pot will not bring any benefit.

Various research studies have shown that citronella candles with lemongrass oil provide mild to moderate protection. It is unclear whether the benefit is due to the repellent properties of the active ingredient, the candle’s ability to mask human odor, or whether the flame itself is the deterrent.

In case you’re wondering, mosquitoes serve a purpose – as pollinators and birdseed. However, since the role they play in these areas is small, removing them from your garden will not harm the ecosystem.

Aside from itchy welts, many of us live or vacation in areas where mosquitoes can carry viruses like West Nile, Zika, Dengue, and Chikungunya fevers, as well as parasitic diseases like malaria. Pets are also at risk, with heartworm disease being the biggest threat.

Wearing long sleeves and pants, reducing the amount of time you spend outdoors between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active, and updating pet heartworm prevention treatments go a long way in reducing mosquito bites.

And remember, you don’t live in a barn. Keep the door closed.


Jessica Damiano is a regular gardening columnist for The Associated Press. Her garden calendar was recognized as a winner at the 2021 Garden Communicators International Media Awards. Their Weekly Dirt Newsletter was awarded the Society of Professional Journalists’ PCLI 2021 Media Award. Sign up here for weekly gardening tips and advice.

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