How to tell fact from fiction, when so many are out to manipulate you: Leslie Kouba

CLEVELAND, Ohio – I believe we are swimming in the most dangerous waters yet. The plethora of misinformation and disinformation floating around us is increasing, especially in politics and social justice. If we’re not careful, it can swallow us up like a tide.

Let’s start with the definitions so we’re in agreement. Misinformation is false information that is created and shared without intent to harm. Some of it is satire. Sometimes it is shared innocently because the sharer thought it would be helpful, not knowing that it is not true. Disinformation is false information that is intentionally created to harm, hinder, or benefit and is designed to mislead, deceive, or upset. Typically, disinformation is used to advance an agenda.

Our job is to recognize it, but that can be difficult. We need help. Today I came across a research paper on the power of “unmasking”. Debunking is a process of building awareness and sensitivity to the characteristics of misinformation and disinformation, thereby strengthening critical thinking – that which can help us wisely reject or accept information.

This is exciting. If we can learn to tell the difference between fact, fiction, and the usual combo mashup, we’ll be less gullible. We will be free to recognize.

For those who don’t want to read the report, I’ll try to summarize it. But first, if you’d like to do your own research, please include Clair Wardle and her nonprofit in your search. She impresses me. (The first draft will soon join the Information Future Labs at Brown University.)

It helps to see information as a whole ecosystem. It’s huge, complicated and constantly evolving. Every part influences the whole. New information is constantly being added to the system. I’m only touching the surface here – but this is a good start.

The worlds of politics, promotion, and power (think money) hope we don’t stick to the tools commonly used to trap us, to get us to act as they want , rather than as we would if left to our own sensibilities. They try to manipulate us by using emotionally charged words and false experts, offering contradictory explanations to arrive at a fabricated fact, scapegoating to divert attention, and wrapping partial truths in agenda-based propaganda.

Preparing to be wise info sponges is just smart. There are many resources out there but this one from Canada caught my attention: It even has things to help you help your kids develop critical thinking.

In the meantime, before recording or sharing a message, ask yourself a few questions:

How do I feel after reading (or hearing) this? (Be honest.)

Is that really true? (Check!)

What is the source and/or who wrote it? Why did you write it?

What am I amplifying when I share it?

Why do I want to share it? Is that a good reason?

Outlets (social media accounts, news channels, etc.) want and need audiences. We need information about our world. Unfortunately, this relationship is not always symbiotic.

Some sources try to grab us by our hearts to push us towards a hidden agenda. (Following any photo rabbit trails lately – with all the ads?? – yes, that’s an agenda.) Appealing to our emotions isn’t inherently bad. But if inflammatory language prevails, the source is probably manipulating us on purpose. Watch out for words that exaggerate, like outrageous, unimaginable, catastrophic, evil, unthinkable, etc. Skip words that describe or editorially describe (except mine, of course) and get to the words that identify. Find the facts. Nobody wants to be scammed.

Fact-checkers will never be one step ahead of all the disinformation, so it’s up to us to check them. Start by looking at the source and the author. You can find fact-checking resources by searching “best sources for verifying accuracy.” You don’t have to spend a lot of time on it. Just gather enough evidence to make a rational decision. And don’t forget, you can research photos, quotes, locations, weather, names, etc. Before you accept, check. Double check before sharing.

A friend who is intelligent, thoughtful, and of similar beliefs as me once shared something on social media that made me gasp, “WHAT?! Oh no!” My second reaction was, “Wait a minute.” A quick search enabled me to privately tell my friend that the story was false. She was embarrassed but grateful, admitting that she “usually checks” these things out.” but didn’t this time. She admitted her mistake as a comment on her post – but I doubt everyone saw it. Unfortunately, a single read is enough to mislead many, and repairing the damage is difficult.

Not surprisingly, our age and political affiliation influence our choice of news sources. Luckily, most people access more than one source, but simply repeating each other doesn’t help. We need to see the other side of the coin to make an informed decision about how to spend it.

Older Americans (65+) trust network news, cable news, and newspapers, in that order. You can also name your favorite anchors. The under-45s rely heavily on social media. We, the middle-aged, are in the middle. We like network/online news and social media almost equally.

I see social media as the biggest petri dish of misinformation and disinformation. It can spread lies faster than red raspberries go moldy. Additional vigilance is required.

Neutral or balanced news sources focus on facts without bias. I am proud to be associated with The Plain Dealer and as they strive for balance. My other favorites are The Associated Press and Reuters. They all have mobile apps.

I’ll close with what I consider to be the most difficult situation – being stuck and staying there. Holding on to ideas until we reject new evidence hurts us. It can even make us mean. No agenda has the right to keep us trapped and misinformed. When you discover new true information that challenges your perspective, be bold enough to accept it, admit it to yourself and others, and act accordingly. Knowledge really is power.

Stubbornness and pride can bind us to the point of ignorance, and ignorance is never bliss. I hope you remain curious. Strengthen your ability to think critically. When we resist information because it contradicts what we want to believe to be true, we become the puppets that the manipulators desire. Let’s not give them that pleasure.

Leslie Kouba, a lifelong resident of Northeast Ohio and a mother of four grown people, writes, laughs, and enjoys living in Cleveland with her wife, five cats, and a thick-tailed gecko named Zennis. You can reach them at [email protected].

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