How to use less water

Water scarcity is an increasingly common reality. Globally, 3.6 billion people currently live in areas where water is scarce for at least one month a year, and this number is expected to increase to as many as 5.7 billion people by 2050. To stave off scarcity, we would be wise to get used to using less water – preferably before we get to the point where we no longer have a choice! Here are some simple ideas on how to know about water:

Turn on the water light in the bathroom

If you turn off the tap while washing your hair or brushing your teeth, you save six liters per minute. Shorter showers, full wash loads instead of half loads, and fewer toilet flushes also make a difference; If you can, opt for water-saving devices like a reduced-flow showerhead, a front-loading washing machine, and a dual-flush toilet (or even better, one with composting).

Use the dishwasher

If you have one and fill it up completely, you’ll use less water than washing dishes in the sink—even if you use a dishwashing bowl.

Eat less water-intensive foods

Our diet accounts for about half of all water use, and animal products are among the most water-intensive – for example, it takes an average of 15,415 liters to produce just one kilo of beef, while the same amount of vegetables requires an average of just 322 liters. There are also significant differences depending on how things are grown — an avocado grown conventionally in arid Petorca, Chile has about twice the water footprint of an avocado grown in tropical Michoacán, Mexico, using precision irrigation and regenerative techniques are used. Eating local and seasonal when possible is usually a good choice.

Reduce and utilize food waste

About a third of all the food we produce is lost or wasted between producer and consumer each year – a lot of water (and greenhouse gas emissions) for nothing. Find waste prevention tips at Love Food Hate Waste and take it a step further by composting the waste you can’t avoid, rather than using a water-hungry down the sink disposal system or sending it to landfill to avoid harmful methane emissions to expel.

Water your garden at dusk or dawn

This will serve your plants much better than watering in the middle of the day when the water is quickly evaporating from the light and warmth. Bonus points for collecting rainwater or gray water from your showers or sinks for your watering routine.

Get involved in sustainable water use

It’s not all in our hands. Letting our government officials — and the companies we buy from — know that we care about water is another important part of caring for this resource for ourselves, our ecosystems, and future generations.

Calculate your water footprint and get more ideas on how to reduce it this tool In the water footprint network.

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