How to Use the Xbox Family Settings App to Manage Your Child’s Gaming Habit

Parental controls are a useful way to allow your child to play video games without it becoming a problem or interfering with their learning. If your child has an Xbox, you can achieve this balance with the Xbox Family Settings app.

Here’s how to set it up and use it.

Set up a family account

You can set up a family account in the Family Settings app. Think of the family account as the hub of your and your family members’ individual accounts, all linked under one.

You must first install the Xbox Family Settings app on your smartphone and add family members to your family account. And then do the following:

  1. In the Xbox Family Settings app, navigate to family Tab.
  2. Beat add child.
  3. Tap on either one Create a new account or Add existing account.
  4. For existing accounts, just enter the email address or phone number of the account you want to add, then tap Send invitation. The recipient must agree to join your Xbox family.
  5. To create a new account, tap Next and Enter the desired email address. Enter your desired password and follow the on-screen instructions until you reach press Send invitation.

To join your family, the recipient must accept the invitation through their email address. Sometimes this can be a bit buggy, so you should try several times and contact Xbox support if you still have no luck.

Downloads: Xbox Family Settings for Android | iOS (free)

Set content restrictions

Video games can contain themes beyond what a child can process and understand. As such, you may want to set restrictions on how long your child can play and what types of games there are. In order to do this:

  1. Open the Xbox Family Settings app and navigate to family Tab.
  2. Tap your child’s member account.
  3. Beat Content Restrictions.
  4. Beat Allow age-appropriate content [user’s age] and then set the rating you want to assign. You can either keep your child’s actual age or allow them to play 18+ games in advance. Just make sure you trust them if they do.
  5. You can also control who your child can see community creations (photos, videos) by – All, Friends onlyor clogged.

There are more options on the settings tab of Content Restrictions Section. You can decide whether your child can add friends or attend parties without permission.

They can also use filters on their messages to get more control over their messages. There are many more features in this section that you can control to keep your child safe online.

Not all video games have to be violent and inappropriate; There are some healthy ways like video games that you can play with your parents that you can also play with your kids to share the fun they have while playing.

Manage your child’s expenses

You can use the Xbox Family Settings app to manage your child’s spending habits. The interface makes this really easy and accessible, and you can do it in the following steps:

  1. Open the Xbox Family Settings app and navigate to family Tab.
  2. Tap your child’s member account.
  3. Scroll down and tap expenditure.
  4. Next to Bank balancebeat add money to give your child a budget to spend.
  5. Next to expenditurebeat Ask after purchase to On with the toggle bar. This means that your child must have purchases approved by you if they need help.
  6. Finally on the output history section, tap [Name]’s settings and turn around activity reports to On.

With this facility, you have better control and control over the money your kid spends on the Xbox. If you have extended family members, you can learn how to share games on Xbox One to see if you and your family can save money by sharing your game libraries with each other.

It’s worth noting that they can still make purchases with money on their Microsoft account, but you’ll get a notification for everything else. If they’re the smart type who like to subvert parental controls, activity reports will help you keep up with their spending habits.

Management of inquiries and online interactions

You can use the Xbox Family Settings app to monitor your child’s online friends and interactions. Your child can also send you requests for more screen time or buying a game, which can make things easier for you in your app.

These come through as notifications that allow you to allow or deny the requested request.

Use the Family Settings app to keep your child safe online

Xbox family settings are a great way to use parental controls to protect your family members while gaming online. It’s a very accessible app and easy to learn.

Setting up this app is one of the few things you should do before giving your kids an Xbox One. Between this app and Xbox’s privacy settings, your child should have no problems online.

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