how to water, sunlight, propagate, types

A story on the University of Illinois website names 2007 as the year the succulent became popular. As of 2017, 15% of garden sales in the Midwest were succulents, according to a survey by Garden Center Magazine.

The succulent is popular for many reasons, all to do with its ease of care. says these low maintenance steps include not requiring a lot of fertilizer, being able to tolerate dry conditions/indoors and not requiring frequent watering.

Although succulents don’t need a lot of water, they do need it to live. How often do you need to water a succulent when you care about easy care?

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Watering your succulent weekly during the non-winter months and monthly during the winter months below 40 degrees Fahrenheit will keep your plants healthy.

How often should you water a succulent?

According to Retro Den, the rule of thumb for watering your succulent is every other week outside of the winter months.

During the winter months when the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, it is recommended that you only water your succulent once a month.

For some succulents, once a week may be best, but be sure to monitor your succulent to see if it needs more or less frequent watering. Smaller leafed succulents may need more frequent watering as they cannot hold as much water.

How Much Water Does Your Succulent Plant Need? suggests using the so-called “soak-and-dry” method of watering your succulent. Soak your succulent thoroughly every two weeks and wait for it to dry before watering again.

Retroden emphasizes the importance of not letting your succulent stand in water because “a succulent can come back from underwatering, but overwatering will cause a succulent to die.”

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