Is A Virgo In Love With You? How To Make A Virgo Fall For You

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Falling in love isn’t easy, but loving a Virgo is always worth it! Cautious and conscientious, Virgo knows that love is a work in progress. The right partner will love Virgo for their intellectual tidbits, witty banter, remarkable ingenuity and more. And if you’re about to fall in love with one, you’re probably wondering – is a Virgo in love with you too?

Ruled by Mercury – planet of communication – Virgo is unmistakably intelligent, analytical and adept. A mutable earth sign, Virgo is firm but soft and flexible yet durable. Known as a constant worker, Virgo is praised for being helpful, hardworking, humble, witty, and detail-oriented. However, Virgo can also be a fussy perfectionist, which brings with it problems of its own.

Virgo tends to approach love with a checklist. They have already chosen their partner’s ideal eye color, best wedding destination, and their children’s looks with someone. Despite planning the romantic journey, Virgo is open to adjustments when a lover shows real potential. Virgo is open to compromise for the right person! And when a Virgo spends time with you and shows that she cares about helping you become your best self, there’s a good chance she’ll fall in love with you.

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How to Attract a Virgo

Attracting a Virgo isn’t always easy. After all, they are notoriously picky and tend to look for flaws before finding a reason to love something. Showing Virgo that you’re a serious contender ready to win her heart takes conversation, thought, and wit.

“In the [Virgo’s] Heart, they prefer to be alone than with the wrong partner, which makes them very picky. So consider yourself lucky if they make you their own,” he claims Desiree Roby Antilaprofessional astrologer and author of Sun characters in love. “These angels tend to be the hardest on themselves [Virgo] needs genuine praise from her significant other. That means they need positive impulses and not someone to break them down,” advises Antila.

Love is in the details, so Virgo needs a partner who pays attention to the tiny aspects that make a big difference. Ask Virgo the questions that matter because Virgo needs someone to provide a safe space to be vulnerable.

Love is in the details, so Virgo needs a partner who pays attention to the little things.

If you notice that your Virgo likes her coffee a certain way or mentions what she wants for her birthday, even if it’s just a passing comment, then you need to remember those moments. Keeping track of the little things is important for a Virgo. Attention is the best way to show your Virgo that you care. Take it a step further by serving to show you’re madly in love!

Once you’ve won the heart of this earth sign, you won’t want to lose it! If you’re lucky enough to be dating a Virgo, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to make sure you’re in it for the long haul.

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How to keep a virgin

Maintaining love for Virgo is precious, so you must work to improve your relationship with Virgo. Being progressive is a must as Virgo needs a partner who will continually improve in and out of the relationship. Laziness, ineptitude, and a general lack of confidence are surefire ways to kill passion.

“[Virgo needs] a secure partner who appreciates what he is and what he is not,” he muses antila.

If there is anything you should know about falling in love with a Virgo, then you know that Virgos want the best for you. It may not always come out right as Virgo can be unintentionally critical. But a deep desire to help is what lies beneath the surface, as Virgo is eager to please.

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Which zodiac signs are compatible with Virgo?

As Virgo is ready to work, there is immense potential to make it in any cosmic connection. While earth and water signs are usually ideal for Virgos, air signs and fire signs might pose a greater challenge.

Virgo can find their easier matches with other earth signs, Capricorn and Taurus. Capricorn has the leadership qualities to pursue any ambition or goal, which will make the hard-working Virgo’s heart sing! Meanwhile, Taurus has the loyal tenacity to weather any storm. Virgo can lean on Taurus for stability and rest assured that Taurus will always see Virgo’s value as a romantic partner. But being with another Virgo is undoubtedly the best earthy match as nobody gets a Virgo like a Virgo.

While earth and water signs are an ideal match for Virgo, air signs and fire signs might pose a greater challenge.

Water signs are favored cosmic counterparts for Virgo. Mystical Pisces is the opposite sign of Virgo, so it’s a classic opposites attract story. Pisces and Virgo are magical, while Virgo is grounding while Pisces is uplifting. However, Pisces’ escapist tendencies might be too much for Virgo to fix. Cancer is another excellent option as Virgo will love how this cardinal water sign leads with their emotions and intuitions. But Cancer’s moodiness can make it difficult for Virgo to feel comfortable. Scorpio might be what Virgo needs! Scorpio’s sultry magnetism is perfectly paired with Virgo’s dexterous nature, creating an incredibly focused cosmic couple.

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“Virgo is mental and Scorpio is emotional, so Angel and Scorpio have a lot to teach each other… One of my favorite pairings!” enthuses antila.

If Virgo needs some light-hearted social and mental stimulation, then they should date the air signs Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. Libra can bring balance and harmony to Virgo’s organized chaos. However, Libra’s indecisiveness could annoy Virgo. Aquarius and Virgo can indulge in intellectual debates, but there might be some tension as Aquarius likes to do it their way. Gemini and Virgo could have a lot to talk about as they are both ruled by Mercury! Except that Virgo feels more like a listener as talkative Gemini could be more assertive communicatively.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will brighten up the life of Virgo! Aries can inspire childlike wonders, but Aries’ impulsiveness can wear down Virgo’s gears. Leo’s romantic warmth will make Virgo feel like the only zodiac sign in the world. But Leo’s theatrics might get old after a while. Sagittarius is the fire sign that brings adventure! Though Sagittarius promises a wild ride, the freedom-fighting Archer will clash with the responsible Virgo.

“Virgo is more of a serious being at heart and doesn’t necessarily appreciate hilarity and jokes, while Sagittarius doesn’t have the perceptiveness to tell when it’s time,” she warns antila.

No matter what, you can make a relationship work with Virgo if you are willing to put the work in!

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