Latest U.K.-EU Deal No Game Changer For Sterling


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By James Smith, Developed Markets Economist; Chris Turner, Global Head of Markets and Regional Head of Research for UK & CEE and Francesco Pesole, FX Strategist

The Global Risk Environment and Potential Narrowing

The UK has underperformed on investment

Macrobond, ING calculations

Calculated on the basis of data from the OECD National Accounts and excluding investment in residential real estate from total gross fixed capital formation

Estimation of the financial fair value of EUR/GBP by ING


More recently, however, EURGBP has traded in line with short-term financial variables and the hint of a hard Brexit tail risk (ie a full collapse in UK-EU trade relations post-Brexit) has not really been present in sterling . This suggests that this new arrangement may not require a significant rally in sterling.


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